Augustine tackles the enigmatic nature of time in Book XI of the Confessions, delving into its complexities and implications. He grapples with the paradoxical nature of time, simultaneously acknowledging its fleeting and eternal aspects. Augustine`s exploration of time intertwines with questions about the authority of God, as he contemplates the divine`s transcendence beyond temporal constraints. His analysis suggests that God`s sovereignty transcends the limitations of time, anchoring divine authority in eternity. Furthermore, Augustine`s treatment of time resonates with political theory, as temporal concerns intersect with considerations of governance and order. The concept of time, in Augustine`s view, holds profound implications for political rule, serving as a backdrop against which the exercise of power and authority unfolds. This analysis of time bears resemblance to Plato`s exploration of the Forms, wherein eternal truths underpin the framework of just political rule. Augustine`s contemplation of time, akin to Plato`s examination of the Forms, underscores the interplay between metaphysical concepts and political philosophy, shedding light on the enduring quest for cosmic order and justice.
Reference: Augustine. Confessions, Book XI. The City of God, Book XIV, Chapters 3–5, 27, 28; Book XIX, Chapters 14, 17, 27, 28. Chicago Style Manual, MLA format.
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