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Jan 06, 2022

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to explain how working together can improve your agencys efficiency. We looked at some of the benefits from networking with other agencies and community groups in the previous section but there are many more principles here that apply as well. There are a few big benefits to working with other agencies.

  • First, you will get an idea of what services are available in your area and can make informed choices about which ones to seek out. This can save you time and money, as well as make sure you are getting the best possible care for your population.
  • Second, by collaborating with other agencies, you can build a shared vocabulary and understanding of what is happening in your area. This can help improve communication and cooperation between your staff, who may have different expertise and the services that are available in your community. This also allows you to get an idea of what services are working best in your community and can help you make better decisions about which ones to offer.
  • Third, by collaborating with other agencies, you can learn from their experiences and practices. This can give you a better understanding of how other agencies are dealing with adult care services and help you create a better plan for your agency. This is especially important if you are providing adult care services on aKeys program, as you can learn from the experiences of other providers in this model.

Working with other agencies delivers better outcomes for those using adult care services. This can save you time and money, as well as make sure you are getting the best possible care for your population.

Integrated working with other agencies is an efficient and effective way to provide quality care for all individuals receiving support services. Sharing information, pooling resources, and partnering together helps deliver better outcomes while also ensuring a seamless experience throughout the process of getting your needs met.

A literature review from the National Institute for Health Research looked at integrating care practices and strategies in order to improve patient satisfaction. The findings suggest that they are successful, as patients perception of providers improved with an integrated approach when compared against Medical Home or usual practice patterns.

A case study (Torbay Care Trust, Thistlewaite) has shown that integrated care can lead to improved access and efficiency in healthcare services through a single point of contact. The time between identification of needs is reduced as well due to the simplification decision-making process which also provides an opportunity for increased communication success rates among providers involved with providing these types of treatments.

As an organization, integrating your work can reduce costs and prevent overlap or duplication of work. This maximizes the use of shared resources so you spend less time on paperwork while still getting good results.

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