Question: In this discussion we will try to step up; thus, please scientific argument on one of the prompts below (utilize the guide/example below)
I provided an example of a scientific argument and ideas of creating evidence in addition to literature derived scientific facts.
Choose one or few question (s) to discuss in the form of a scientific argument:
Scientific Argument will have a claim, reliable supportive (or/and contradictory) evidence (scientific), justification (theory, model, law) and conclusion.
In scientific argument we provide scientific evidence (as opposed to non-scientific). The evidence is supported by published sources or data from your experiment/calculations. In our case we based the argument based on reading / research of published resources.
In scientific argument we use, as much as possible, scientific theories/laws as justification, for example:
The Lituya Bay Tsunami originated due to rock slide, casing the wave height to reach over 500 meters height (Voiland, 2020). NASA observatory reports 30 million cubic meters of rock plunged after M 7.8 earthquake. In accordance to Archimedes principle, rock plunged into water would replace as much water as its volume. thus 30 million cubic water was displaced in all directions flooding the surround coast. When calculating the height of the wave from the kinetic and potential energy balance (law of conservation of energy, and the 1st law of thermodynamics - one energy is transferred into another) using simple equation the height was 125 meters, but I am certain the calculation of such event is much more complex (other impactful parameters such as lake depth, volume of water steepness of the flanks of the lake and the coast topography would have an impact of the total height of the tsunami wave). Based on these data, I conclude a rock slide of such magnitude could create at least the tsunami wave of 125 meters, considering the fact that my calculation was simple, involved web searched data and most likely missed other important coastal qualities, resulted in height being much lower (EB, 2023).
Another scientific evidence could be: According to my calculation of the tsunami wave velocity calculated using the formula v=SQRT (D*g)*2.2 (NOAA) is v=69.5 m/s which is close to the literature derived data, as provided above 50 m/s.
These sources can be included in the argument as:
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