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Jan 21, 2025

Stop/Start Reaction Journal

Choose one of the following:

  1. A behavior you want to STOP during this course.
  2. A behavior you want to START during this course.

Select something challenging that will promote personal growth. This assignment aims to enhance your awareness of the issues and challenges involved in changing a behavior.

Anything you write in this journal will be kept in the strictest confidence. You are not required to disclose information that makes you uncomfortable. The primary focus is on your personal growth and reflection throughout the journaling process.

Your journal entries should be thoughtful and detailed. Avoid writing superficial or brief responses, as the purpose of this journal is to track your experience with either stopping an unhealthy behavior or starting a healthy one. Examples of behaviors might include quitting smoking, starting an exercise routine, or improving time management.

Assignment Goal:
Participate fully in this Stop/Start Experiment by journaling your thoughts, responses, and experiences. Stretch yourself, reflect on your progress, and embrace the challenge.

Guiding Questions for Your Journal Entries:

  • What motivated your choice?
    What led to your decision to stop or start this particular behavior?
  • Empathy for Clients:
    How might your journey to stop or start a behavior parallel a client’s struggle with attaining sobriety or making other life changes?
  • Challenges:
    What are some of the struggles you have encountered? What has made this journey difficult?
  • Successes:
    What victories have you experienced along the way?
  • Accompanying Reactions:
    What behaviors, emotions, or thoughts have accompanied your journey?

Final Journal Entry:
In your last entry, reflect on the insights you gained from this journaling process, particularly as they apply to your role as a future counselor. Be sure to include at least two citations/references to support your discussion.

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