Part A
In this assessment, whilst gaining practical experience in group processes, you will work together collaboratively, effectively and fairly to identify and learn about how to prepare a conference plan on the subject of Governance in Safety and Quality in nursing.
Your first assessment was designed to enable you to have a good understanding of clinical governance in safety and quality prior to this assessment to allow you to be able to provide knowledgeable input into the conference preparation with your fellow group members.
You will need to allocate the work fairly to ensure that each member has an opportunity to demonstrate the assessment criteria by providing a clearly identified individual written contribution to the seminar plan/supporting materials and conference abstracts.
Following a basic `introduction` in week 1, you will commence your group work by organising your first group meeting to take place in week 4. Organising a mutually convenient time can be very tricky, so you may like to create a doodle poll (or similar) to try and find a convenient time for the whole group for your first zoom meeting.
In preparation for your first meeting you are also asked to research and write about 2 group rules you think will be important to follow in your pending group. These will need to be evidenced based and will be verbally reported back to your fellow group members (but written up later to be submitted with your assessment) at your first meeting with consideration of for their use in your group work. Not all rules may be taken up by the group but that does not matter - it is the group choice.
Part B
During your group work it is essential that you keep a reflective journal throughout the group project, to record your actions, thoughts and feelings about the experience and to reflect on these. You will be required to draw on the information in your journal. Examples from your group work can be used in your reflection by incorporating selections or quotes from your experience in your discussion, and then back up these learnings with scholarly literature.
Following the conference planning you will be asked to critically reflect on your experience of working collaboratively within your group, demonstrating a theoretical understanding of group development and group process.
Using a reflective model to guide you, your exploration should focus on your own experience to demonstrate new insights and learning achieved and how these might be applied to your future practice.
Please ensure you maintain the confidentiality of group members at all times when discussing the group experience - if you mention another person, use pseudonyms or de-identify the information.
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