+44 7743 307695
May 02, 2023

This new system would need a database designed that would help with some appropriate data about all incidents. It is crucial in remembering the victims of all kinds of crimes are quite reticent in sharing all personal information. Hence, this is crucial that this database is designed in holding a minimum amount of personal information. This database would fit the purpose and would effectively as well as efficiently collect data about the incidents of identity compromise, notify all appropriate agencies as well as the organization of such incidents along with responding to all needs of all victims. The core entities of this data are to be agencies or organizations with the incident of identity compromise, along with the clients. There would be composite as well as business rules, along with business rules that would determine all entity relationships.

This database consists of 5 entities, and all of these entities include several attributes for storing crucial data within this database system. The organization entity consists of several attributes such as organization_id, organization_name, address, phone_number, email, contact_name, business_sector, description and specialty, where organization_id is the primary key of this entity. The client entity consists of several attributes such as client_id, client_name, address, phone and email, where client_id is the primary key of this entity. The incident entity consists of several attributes such as incident_id, client_id, organization_id, date_of_report, date_resolved, and type_of_information, where incident_id is the primary key and client_id, as well as organization_id, are the foreign keys of this entity. The incident_details entity consists of several attributes such as incident_id, date_of_incident, time_of_incident, description, incident_process_found, number_of_credentials, date_incident_found, and use_of_internet where incident_id is the primary key of this entity. The message entity consists of several attributes such as message_id, client_id, organization_id, date_stamp, and incident_message_alert where message_id is the primary key and client_id, as well as organization_id, are the foreign keys of this entity.

Relational Schema

Client-> Client_ID (PK), Client_Name, Email, Address, Phone

Organization-> Organization_ID (PK), Organization_Name, Address, Phone_Number, Contact_Name, Email, Business_Sector, Description, Speciality

Incident-> Incident_ID (PK), Client_ID (FK), Organization_ID (FK), Date_of_Report, Date_Resolved, Type_of_Information

Incident_Details-> Incident_ID (PK, FK), Date_of_Incident, Date_Incident_Found, Description, Use_of_Internet, Time_of_Incident, Number_of_Credentials, Incident_Process_Found

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