Dec 21, 2023
Identify a particular topic within early child development and explore related resources (you may limit to a primary advocacy group or website). Reviewing integrated theory, research, action to support young children There are many specific areas or topics in the development of young children that may not directly affect all children, or may necessitate a nuanced understanding in order to support a holistic approach that is sensitive to individual and contextual circumstances. You may identify a particular topic within early child development and explore related resources (you may limit to a primary advocacy group or website). Your analysis should generally address the “What? So what? Now what? protocol. You may address this point through selecting between two formats (applied or a position paper). In particular, you should define the topic and its import and highlight how it relates to developmental themes (e.g., nature/nurture, active/passive), developmental theories, development across domains for a range of children including those with disabilities, and variations in culture and context. In exploring issues of implications and applications, consider the review/critique of research related to child development generally and specifically in relation to this topic, and how this may inform future research, practice, and policy. You may choose from the list below or identify your own topic. Format: Position Paper (or Stake in the Ground): Once you select a particular topic, your task for this paper is to articulate particular positions or a stake in the ground, while also engaging a range of perspectives and stakeholders (as we did in the panel discussion with the Rogerian argument structure). In this paper, you should address a particular topic and as much as possible address specific issues, questions, and circumstances based on a critical analysis of the literature keeping in mind salient personal, social, cultural, and contextual issues that may be used to understand the situation as it is presently, and to guide suggestions for future directions. You may draw from relevant websites, but also include 1-3 research articles (i.e., scholarship based that may represent a range of methodologies or theories) and other evidence you consider compelling. You should provide a rationale for the evidence you incorporate and why it is compelling to your case. Your personal and applied experiences may be integrated with theoretical and research perspectives in a manner that is consistent with formal academic writing standards.