+44 7743 307695
May 23, 2023

Work-life balance is a critical aspect of employee well-being, encompassing the harmonious integration of personal, professional, and family commitments. As tasked by senior management, this investigation delves into the work-life balance of employees and the factors that influence a healthy equilibrium. Key considerations for survey development include various demographic and lifestyle factors that impact work-life balance.

Survey Development: Understanding Employee Perspectives

  1. Work Hours (Continuous Numerical):

    • Question: How many hours per week do you typically work?
    • Responses: [Open-ended numerical response]
  2. Job Satisfaction (Interval Numerical):

    • Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your current job?
    • Responses: [Scale: 1 (Very Dissatisfied) to 10 (Very Satisfied)]
  3. Social Media Use (Categorical):

    • Question: How frequently do you use social media during work hours?
    • Responses:
      • Rarely or Never
      • Occasionally
      • Frequently
      • Always
  4. Gender (Nominal Categorical):

    • Question: What is your gender?
    • Responses:
      • Male
      • Female
      • Non-binary/Other
  5. Marital Status (Ordinal Categorical):

    • Question: What is your marital status?
    • Responses:
      • Single
      • Married
      • Divorced
      • Widowed
  6. Children (Categorical):

    • Question: Do you have children living at home?
    • Responses:
      • Yes
      • No
  7. Salary (Continuous Numerical):

    • Question: What is your annual salary range?
    • Responses: [Open-ended numerical response]
  8. Education (Categorical):

    • Question: What is your highest level of education?
    • Responses:
      • High School Diploma/GED
      • Associate`s Degree
      • Bachelor`s Degree
      • Master`s Degree
      • Doctoral Degree
  9. Time Spent Traveling to and from Work (Discrete Numerical):

    • Question: How much time do you spend commuting to work each day?
    • Responses: [Open-ended numerical response]
  10. Hours of Sleep per Night (Continuous Numerical):

    • Question: On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per night?
    • Responses: [Open-ended numerical response]

This sample survey encompasses a diverse range of questions to gauge employee experiences and perceptions related to work-life balance. By collecting insights on these factors, organizations can better understand the dynamics influencing employee well-being and tailor interventions to promote a healthier work-life equilibrium.

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