+44 7743 307695
Apr 03, 2023

Assignment Brief :-
The exercises in this seminar are related to lecture content of Lecture 1
Exercise 1 What are the main components of a database?
Answer it by a few words or one sentence.
Exercise 2 Provide the major advantages of DBMS over file processing system.
Answer it by 3~4 sentences maximum.
Exercise 3 Given an array of numbers as follows: x = [1 0 9 10 5 8 10 0 5 4 7 7 3 7] compute the following: 1) mode(x); 2) mean(x); 3) median(x).
Exercise 4 For the same array x from Exercise 3 compute the 1) range (x); 2) standard deviation SD(x).
L-6 Databases And Analytics Assignment – UK

Exercise 1 Import the “world.sql” database to php My Admin you should be able to view it’s three tables.
1) From the “city” table retrieve the list of city names in which the city name starts by “S” and the population over 9000000. Include the SQL code and screenshot Hint: You may be needing a SQL function LIKE.

2) From the country table, retrieve a new table with two columns: Name Life Expectancy in which only contains the country Independent in 1971 for the data within this restriction then order the life expectancy from low to high.

Include the SQL code and screenshot.

Exercise 2 Create new table using the existing table country language from the database world sql
1) It is required the new table be named as english speaking which will be containing only the information of English speaking rows i.e. the Language column of the new table must display only English. Include the SQL code and screenshot (Number of rows to display: 25).

2) Update the newly created english speaking table remove the rows that do not consider English as the official language also remove the population percentage that is 0.0. Include the SQL code and updated screenshot of the table english speaking Number of rows to display 25.

This relates to Lecture 4

Exercise 1 Import the world.sql database to php My Admin you should be able to view its four tables.
1) From the country language table extract generate two columns: Language and COUNT() rank the frequency of languages in decreasing order, the COUNT() column should indicate the number of appearance for each different language Provide the code and the first screenshot for the first 25 rows of the generated table.

2) Implement the Multiple Column GROUP BY toward Language and Is Official columns of table country language Provide the code and the first screenshot for the first 25 rows of the generated table.

Exercise 2 Import the “world.sql” database to php My Admin Find and count the unique languages then group them based on whether they are used as official language.

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