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Apr 24, 2024

Assignment Task

Leadership research has produced mountains of literature on what it takes to be a good leader. Leadership theories, leadership traits, leadership definitions, leadership models, and leadership tools abound. One overriding theme that runs throughout recent leadership literature is that today`s leaders who seek a competitive advantage for their organizations must focus on the growth and development of their people. Many benefits can be derived from this growth and development focus, not the least of which is to have employees who can effectively respond to change because change is a common characteristic of nearly all leadership situations. 

In addition, the notion that "leaders" and "managers`` are not one in the same is a leadership principle that has been explored in the literature for at least 20 years. Prior to that time, the two terms were often used interchangeably.

Although managers and leaders seek to achieve many of the same basic objectives, they use different means to do so. Some of the differences are described in the following chart

Although many models, theories, and lists of leadership traits could be used as the basis of this leadership assessment, you will see that the focus here is on the following seven leadership qualities:

1. Personal Stability

2. Productivity

3. Self-Management

4. Boundary Setting

5. Communication

6. Work Quality

7. Teamwork

You will note that the first four traits focus on qualities leaders must possess and practice regularly in order to earn the right to lead others and to effectively deal with change; and the final three are the qualities and tools leaders use that allow them to set direction, align employees, and motivate and inspire others to achieve goals

Source: Questions for this survey were adapted from Interlink Training and Coaching, "The Leadership Assessment Tool,"

This assessment is designed to help you determine if you have what it takes to be a leader. First, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. After you submit your assignment, you will receive some personal feedback on your leadership potential along with leadership insights you can use to improve your leadership skills.

  • I`m honest with myself
  • I am positive and upbeat.
  • I regularly prioritize what I need to get done.
  • I am solution oriented rather than problem oriented.
  • I do not procrastinate on projects/tasks.
  • I am on time for meetings/classes.
  • I take responsibility for my actions.
  • I do not blame others for my mistakes
  • I can separate my personal life from work/school.
  • I work at getting ahead, but within appropriate boundaries
  • I communicate my ideas clearl
  • I listen to others beyond just the words being spoken
  • I adjust well to different communication styles.
  • I don`t have to redo things because my work is thorough and complete.
  • I do not get distracted when working on projects/tasks.
  • When working in a group, I work with members to solve and prevent problems.
  • I work well in a group.
  • I am people oriented, not just results oriented.
  • When working in a group, I am more concerned with the group`s success than my own.
  • I praise others when they are doing a good job
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