+44 7743 307695
Apr 27, 2023
  1. After thoroughly reading the case study, you then need to write mental health assessment notes for this patient including:
    1. A discussion of at least one (1) contemporary theory of mental health and mental illness;
    2. A consideration of challenges to assessment including crisis, trauma, emergency or distress;
    3. A discussion of any factors that impact on the mental health of the patient with relation to individualising nursing care. Your answer should be structured as follows:
    a. An introduction to a contemporary theory of mental health and mental illness (500 words);
    b. An assessment of the patient including age, gender, social and cultural factors, life history, and current circumstances. This section should be linked to the theory in your introduction. (500 words);
    c. A discussion of any challenges to assessing the patient described, and any further information about the patient you would need to conduct a thorough assessment (300 words).
    d. A concluding section that discusses the next steps you would take from a nursing perspective


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