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Mar 30, 2023

Subject Code & Title : MG408 The Graduate Challenge
Assignment Type : CW1 Business Report
Weighting : 20%
Word Count : 500 Words
Assignment task :
A 500 word essay on the importance of different business functions to demonstrate core academic skills of evidence based writing and Harvard referencing. With reference to academic texts, define the role of Marketing, Finance, Operations/Production and Human Resources. Explain the importance of all these functions working together well, with supporting evidence based on successful organisations.
MG408 The Graduate Challenge Assignment – Buckinghamshire New University UK.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Evaluate the importance of different business functions and show how they link together.
LO 3 Develop and appreciate the academic skills and techniques necessary to be a successful undergraduate student.

Task requirements :
This assignment requires an evidenced based approach to the discussion of the business functions of organisations.

The research materials for this assignment will come from academic text from other course areas outside of the module. For example, from The Business Environment core text by Worthingt on and Britton (The Internal Environment: Chapter 2) and Principles of Marketing core text Brassington and Pettitt (Introduction: Chapter 1 and ). The use of online sites such as Wikipedia, Business balls etc are not deemed suitable for use as sources for academic definitions in H.E. Additionally, credible web-based sources are important to provide evidence to support the points made in
your report and use of corporate websites, national news media e.g. BBC News, The Telegraph etc. and trade magazines such as Marketing Week, Forbes recommended.

The following is the minimum research requirement for this assignment.

 1 academic textbook
 4 web-based articles to include use of a corporate web site and a trade or national press article

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