Building and Marketing High Performing Organisations
Assignment Instructions - Part A
Overall Task
1. Apply the EFQM Business Excellence model, using relevant theory and concepts learnt on the module, to one organisation of your choice in the food industry. Draw on your analysis to identify and capture strengths and areas for improvement to the chosen organisation (45%):
Criterion 3: Engaging Stakeholders
Discuss how the sustainable relationships with partners & suppliers build within the company.
Criterion 4 - Creating Sustainable Value
Critically evaluate the key processes required to deliver the value (4.3).
Criterion 5 - Driving Performance & Transformation
Analyse how the company develops new product and evaluate whether the company utilises technology (5.3)?
2. Based on your analysis, recommend one Operations OR Supply Chain Management strategy that the chosen organisation could pursue to drive business excellence. Apply RADAR framework to your recommendation
Advice on the practical application of theory
There is an expectation that you go beyond learning gained on the BMHPO module. This includes a need to conduct your own research into the key themes underpinning the questions above using the academic literature (e.g. journal articles and other credible sources).
You will need to briefly introduce your chosen organisation to familiarise the reader with the appropriate context. There are no marks for detailed background to the company. You are being assessed on your reflections, interpretation, and application of theory in practice and analytical reasoning using accepted academic practice and literature.
• You are advised to read widely. In fact, unless you have read and referenced at least 10 discrete references, it is unlikely that you have done sufficient reading (you need to go beyond this to achieve higher marks).
• This component is an academic assignment and should be written in an appropriate style (e.g. using 3` d person).
• You are required to present your report using a clear coherent structure. A typical format will include an introduction, conclusion, recommendations, full reference list, and any appropriate appendices. You may use headings and subheadinps.
• You are required to use the APA referencing style (7th edition) throughout and can find guidance on this via the University Online Library Resources.
• Beware of sources from the Internet (no Wikipedia or business balls).
• Apart from reputable and academic references that can be downloaded through the Internet (commonly via the University Online library catalogue); most Internet references are not considered reliable for an academic piece of work. Academic journals generally offer a better source than textbooks.
You are required to undertake an individual written paper related to a particular organisation of your choice. The overall aim is to evaluate ways in which changes within this organisation‘s MACRO environment might impact upon its marketing strategies and activities.
You will be assessed on your ability to incorporate marketing theory:
Within an evidence-based scenario of a potential change in any of the MACRO environment forces of your chosen organisation:
A) Critically evaluate the company‘s strategies for:
o Sustainable competitive advantage
o Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP), and
o Branding
B) Identify and critically assess two opportunities for growth within the organisation`s MACRO environments
C) Make clear links to the marketing theory that underpin your work
D) Write a logical, well-presented, and accurately referenced piece of work
Advice on the practical application of theory
There is an expectation that you go beyond learning gained on the BMHPO module. This includes a need to conduct your own research into the key themes underpinning the questions above using the academic literature (e.g. journal articles and other credible sources).
You will need to briefly introduce your chosen organisation to familiarise the reader with the appropriate context. Detailed background to the company is not required and there are no marks awarded. You are being assessed on your reflections, interpretation, and application of marketing theory in practice and analytical reasoning using accepted academic practice and literature.
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