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Aug 29, 2023

Capstone Project

Lean Startup and Project Management - A Framework for Efficient Product Development: Investigating how Lean Startup principles can be adapted and integrated into project management methodologies to create a streamlined and iterative product development process.

Question 1. Define a research question, showing how it relates to existing knowledge

Question 2. Identify the tools needed to investigate the research question in a systematic way

Question 3. Analyse the results obtained and present the outcomes in a report that is clear, coherent and logically structured

Question 4. Develop critical self reflection via Personal Development Planning (PDP)

Personal Development Plan

Learning Outcome

Develop critical self- reflection via Personal Development Planning (PDP)

Your task is to write in 1500 words about:
• the skills you have
• the skills you need
• what you want to achieve and how to achieve it
• focus on potential study, career and personal development options and goals
• develop a source of information for CVs, job applications and personal development

Supplementary information for PDP

A Personal Development plan (PDP) is an opportunity to set goals in the short, medium and long-term. This involves the consideration of current realities as well as identifying what skills, knowledge and competences are needed to make progress into the future.

This is not something that remains static but changes over time and to illustrate this further, there is an identifiable personal development cycle that helps interpret the stages of the process:

The above link to a document by Kansal (2019) places PDP in the workplace but this can take place at any stage of life.An action check list features in figure 1 and shows the following process:

1. Establish your purpose and direction
2. Identify development needs
3. Identify learning opportunities
4. Formulate an action plan
5. Undertake the development
6. Record the outcomes
7. Evaluate and review

Independent Research Report

Learning Outcomes

1. Define a research question, showing how it relates to existing knowledge

2. Identify the tools needed to investigate the research question in a systematic way

3. Analyse the results obtained and present the outcomes in a report that is clear, coherent and logically structured

You are required to investigate a topic relevant to Project Management. This is your opportunity to explore the literature and shape an investigation into extant data to reach your own findings. The word count expectation is 8,500 words.

Consider the following when preparing a report:
• Follow report structure
• Layout should meet professional standards
• Use the report format of headings and subheadings
• Include relevant investigation and background material to suit the topic
• Wide ranging sources should be in evidence
• Different types of sources may be in evidence (including both qualitative and quantitative data)
• Support the narrative with relevant tables and figures
• Reach a clear conclusion and make recommendations.
Layout of report:
• Acknowledgements
• Executive Summary: worth 10% of marks
o A 360-degree summary of the project. It should be clear, concise, complete and an effective ‘shop window` for the project. It should not be more than one page.
• Table of Contents
• Index of tables
• Index of figures
• Introduction & Background to the study/investigation: worth 10% of marks
o The introduction clearly set the scene for the project and provides a ‘road-map` for the rest of the report. It should also provide a clear and informed background and rationale for undertaking the project and result in well written and cogent Aim and Objectives.
• Literature Review: worth 25% of marks
o This section should provide a critical review of relevant, up-to-date academic and other high-quality sources
o Care should be taken to provide a conceptual framework that underpins and informs the rest of the project.
• Main findings and discussion: worth 30% of marks
o Findings from secondary data only should be displayed using appropriate graphical or text methods, should be correctly labelled and cited and should clearly be relevant to the topic under investigation.
o The Discussion should be analytical, methodical and cogent. It should follow a discursive style and clearly discuss the findings in the context of the background and literature and address the Aim of the project
• Conclusion & Recommendations: worth 15% of marks
o The conclusions should flow logically from the discussion. There should be no new information presented. The aim and objectives should be revisited and evaluated, and any recommendations should make sense in the light of these conclusions.
• Appendices

The executive summary is to be included at the beginning of the report. It should only normally be a single page in length. However, it makes most sense to write this upon completion of the
report, when all the issues have been covered. It should include:

• Main reason for the report;
• Outline of the investigation;
• Key conclusions/recommendations.

The report should also follow these conventions:
• Header/section/paragraph numbering
• Tables of contents, figures and index of tables
• Numbering of figures and tables with appropriate titles

To what extent do you feel you are:

1. confident discussing your beliefs, personal values and decisions with others?

2. willing to reassess your personal beliefs and values through engagement with alternative perspectives e.g. via research or discussion/debate with others?

3. able to question and discuss the values and opinions of others in appropriate and sensitive ways?

4. show great tolerance and understanding for others (for instance by considering the impact that your personal choices and behaviours could have on others?)

5. able to recognise and take into consideration issues related to equality and diversity when making everyday decisions (for example, race, gender, etc)?

To what extent do you feel you are:

1. IT literate? This might include the use of word processors, spreadsheets, image editing, search engines, email and mobile devices.

2. able to use digital tools for research purposes (e.g. to find information, investigate problems and identify possible solutions)

3. able to manage data and online sources responsibly (such as research data) by distinguishing between popular concepts and robust evidence?

4. able to communicate with others using digital technologies and through engagement in online communities (for instance, discussion boards)?

5. able to engage in online learning, for instance using online learning materials, contributing to discussion boards or blogs and undertaking online assessments?

6. able to take precautions to manage your ‘digital identity` and ‘personal brand`, for instance, by using privacy settings and maintaining a positive, professional presence online?

To what extent do you feel you:

1. understand what is meant by globalisation, and how it might impact upon you?

2. possess an international or global perspective on the world - e.g. Do you keep up to date with global affairs and international issues?

3. are willing to challenge both your own cultural values, and the cultural values of others? (Cultural values can be described as the learned beliefs, and customs that determine the behaviour of members of a particular society).

4. actively seek opportunities to engage with, and immerse yourself in other cultures, in order to better understand both yourself and others?

5. feel that keeping up to date with global issues and international affairs is relevant to your personal and professional development?

To what extent do you feel you are:

1. able to react and respond effectively to new situations that you might find yourself in, for example starting a new job.

2. able to use your creativity to solve problems and spot opportunities?

3. able to use your own initiative and work without supervision?

4. confident gathering information from a wide range of sources to make connections and develop new and innovative ideas?

5. able to assess the value and impact of your ideas?

6. able to make your ideas a reality by seeking and managing appropriate support and resources? (E.g. funding, materials, the help of others)?

7. able to deal with setbacks, such as a project that was unsuccessful, and respond by working towards a positive goal in the future?

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