Recidivism and Solution Discussion
Policy Issue and Solution InstructionsYou will write a 12–15-page research-oriented paper. The paper must focus on polic …
Recidivism and Solution Discussion
Policy Issue and Solution InstructionsYou will write a 12–15-page research-oriented paper. The paper must focus on policy analysis in policing. The paper must also be in current APA format. The APA headers, as a minimum, must be APA Level 1 headings for Problem, Significance, and Solution. The subthemes of the solution section must contain APA Level 2 headings or beyond. The paper must include a minimum of 12 references in addition to the class textbooks and the Bible. All references must be academic/peer reviewed sources. A minimum of 8 references must be recent peer reviewed sources published within the last five years. You must choose a major criminal justice policy issue (excluding death penalty, legalization of marijuana, gun control, and any other topic deemed not acceptable by your instructor). The approach outlined below can be used for minor policy issues, major policy issues, minor budget issues, major budget issues, equipment implementation, and any issue dealing with a policy proposal.You are writing from the point of view as an advisor for the chief of police, sheriff, or federal department head. Identify an issue that needs to be addressed. Discuss the problem in a few brief paragraphs. Discuss the significance of the problem (the significance discussion must contain the majority of your references). The significance section of the paper must contain why the issue is significant, what is being done by other departments or agencies, what law is applicable, and any other issues that can be identified as significant. This significance section of the paper must be thorough and leave no additional questions. Propose a solution in the form of policy or guidance toward a policy. The solution must involve a minimum of 3 choices: do nothing, incremental approach, and full implementation. The solution section of the paper must have enough of an explanation of the solution so that an executive would be able to make an informed decision from your explanation. The solution must also have sub-themes. Some subthemes are: impact to department, impact to external stakeholders, and impact to budget. There may be other sub-themes in addition to or in replacement of those listed above. Must have a section relating how a Christian worldview does or may change potential proposed solutions. This must be a section and not merely a sentence or two.
3 pages
Case Study Danshui Plant No.2
For Danshui to breakeven point, the company would have to have completed making 2,044,445 Apple iPhones 4’s. To get the …
Case Study Danshui Plant No.2
For Danshui to breakeven point, the company would have to have completed making 2,044,445 Apple iPhones 4’s. To get the number of iPhones need to …
Automobile Total Cost of Ownership
just follow the steps that the word document says.
Automobile Total Cost of Ownership
just follow the steps that the word document says.
CJ 500 6-2 SNHU Legal Policy Memorandum
CJ 500 Module Six Legal Policy Memorandum Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For this assignment, you will write a legal pol …
CJ 500 6-2 SNHU Legal Policy Memorandum
CJ 500 Module Six Legal Policy Memorandum Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For this assignment, you will write a legal policy memorandum to the district attorney recommending a solution to the specific issue you have chosen to research for your final project. The district attorney would like an evidence-based solution, one comprised from the analysis you have done so far on your chosen issue. By proposing a solution to a significant issue and analyzing how this issue negatively affects public perception of the criminal justice system, this memorandum will help prepare you for the preliminary recommendations you will offer to the mayor as part of Milestone Three in Module Seven. First, to assist you in this task, consider the problem-solving method known as SARA (scanning, analysis, response, and assessment) as well as the problem analysis triangle outlined by the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing. Next, draft a legal memorandum to the district attorney. Use the Memorandum Template to complete the assignment. Address the following critical elements as they are reflected in the Sample Legal Policy Memorandum. These critical elements appear as headings in that document as listed in the prompt below. Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 1. Issue Presented: Summarize the issue in the form of a brief one-sentence question. 2. Short Answer: Provide a short answer which summarizes the conclusion of the memorandum. 3. Statement of Facts: Describe how the issue may negatively affect public perception of the criminal justice system. 4. Discussion: Provide a brief discussion of the issue, including the recent history of the issue and any legal precedents related to it. 5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the details of the issue outlined in the Discussion section. 6. Recommendations: a) What are some of the complexities to proposing a solution to your chosen issue? b) What immediate actions need to be taken to implement the proposed solution? Be sure to justify the necessity and feasibility of these actions with evidence. c) What are the types of necessary data required to assess whether or not your proposed solution will be successful in its implementation? d) Apply criminological theory to justify how your proposed solution will address the underlying causes of the issue. Reference your textbook or other course readings to support your submission. For assistance in writing this memorandum, please review the Sample Legal Policy Memorandum as well as the optional article How to Write an Interoffice Legal Memorandum. The Problem-Solving Strategies and Sample document is helpful to review to understand how a problem-solving strategy can be applied. Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 2 to 3 pages in length (in addition to title and reference pages) and should use single spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use APA style to cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Use the Memorandum Template to complete this activity.For this assignment, you will write a legal policy memorandum. To complete this assignment, review the Module Six Legal Policy Memorandum Guidelines and Rubric document. You will also need the following resources to complete this task: The SARA Model The Problem Analysis Triangle Center for Problem-Oriented Policing Memorandum Template Sample Legal Policy Memorandum How to Write an Interoffice Legal Memorandum Problem-Solving Strategies and Sample
International Business Country paper
Please see attached details for the paper. Also, I have posted the country Facts excel document to help you write part 1 o …
International Business Country paper
Please see attached details for the paper. Also, I have posted the country Facts excel document to help you write part 1 of the paper, also I have attached the thesis that was approved for the paper. you can use this thesis to write the paper. Please read the instructions carefully for the paper. The paper must be 5-7 pages. And include a cover page and a reference page ( total of 8 references) all to be counted as separate from the paper. So the cover page and reference page does not equal to the total amount of pages required. I will send links for the suggested reference sites to use in the paper. * Will send you a tip at the due date*
BUS 204 Singapore University of Social Sciences Comfort Taxi Company Business Excellence PPT
This is based on Singapore Business Excellence Framework. Have attached the framework and study guide to be used. It ha …
BUS 204 Singapore University of Social Sciences Comfort Taxi Company Business Excellence PPT
This is based on Singapore Business Excellence Framework. Have attached the framework and study guide to be used. It has to be the standard of SINGAPORE. I require both the assignment report and presentation to be done. In total there are 1 report and 1 presentation (PPT). Use the study guide provided. ECA Report & Presentation Requirements: Please follow the document (January 2020 Semester BUS204e ECA 2020) to the dot. To be completed on the 03 April 2020 Additional Notes: Please look at the briefing summary for more info on the report and presentation. (File Name: BUS204e Course Briefing 20 Mar 20). More files will be uploaded, as currently now there is a limit to the documents. Please bid this assignment if you are up to the task of Singapore Standard . As I have encountered a few unpleasant experience of delayed submissions and poor work quality hence appreciate you allocation of a quality writer to handle my assignment where I could score A* for my papers. All citations and referencing should be as per APA style and guidelines. The datelines are to be met and if failure to do so, will be requested to cancel. Datelines are in Singapore timeline.