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May 04, 2023

Please view explanation and answer below.‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‫وزارة التعليم‬‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaMinistry of EducationSaudi Electronic UniversityCollege of Administrative and Financial SciencesAssignment 2Strategic Management (MGT 401)Due Date: 08/08/2022 @ 23:59Course Name: Strategic ManagementStudent’s Name:Course Code: MGT 401Student’s ID Number:Semester: Summer SemesterCRN:Academic Year:2021-22-2ndFor Instructor’s Use onlyInstructor’s Name:Students’ Grade: /15Level of Marks: High/Middle/LowGeneral Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY••••••••The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocatedfolder.Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reducedfor poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.Late submission will NOT be accepted.Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or otherresources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. Nopictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.Learning Outcomes:▪▪▪▪▪▪Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management (CLO1)Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weaknesses in the operating (CLO2)Distinguish between different types and levels of strategy and strategy implementation environment ofhypothetical and real-world organizations. (CLO3)Gain insights into the strategy-making processes of different types of organizations (CLO4)Understand the contribution of various functional areas e.g. production, marketing, purchasing, and supplymanagement to the overall well-being of the organization. (CLO5)Understand issues related to strategic competitive advantage in diversified organizations (CLO6)This assignment includes 2 sections:I.Case studyAssignment Question(s):Read carefully case No 8 from your textbook (entitled ‘iRobot: Finding the Right Market Mix?) andanswer the following questions: (1 mark each question) the SWOT matrix of the iRobot company.What is the competitive strategy used by iRobot company?Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the robot-based product industry.Describe the different functional strategies of the iRobot company.Describe the relationship of iRobot with its primary stakeholders.Suppliers:6. Describe the core competency and the outsourcing strategy of iRobot.7. What kind of strategic alliance is used by iRobot? Why does iRobot choose it?8. What are the main challenges that iRobot faces?9. Assess the competitive advantage of iRobot in its market.10. Recommend solutions for iRobot to improve its competitive advantage.II.Mini-projectFrom real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answerthe following questions: (1 mark each question)1. Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of the strategic alliance (industry, nationality, size,market position…). Max 150 words2. What is the type of strategic alliance used by your chosen firms? Explain its different reasons.3. What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after alliance? underline the prosand cons of this method.4. Is this strategic alliance successful? Justify.5. What recommendations can you give to the managers of these firms to improve theircompetitiveness?Notes.✓ Use at least 4 references for your answers to section II.✓ All references used should be listed by the end of your analysis, using the APA style.Answers1.SWOT MATRIXStrengthsWeakness•Product line with a lot of variety••Innovativerevenue comes from sales of home•Contract with the U.S. military tocare military robots for protection.•••A large portion of the company’sI am constantly turning to many third-A solid plan for using social media forparty suppliers to manufacturemarketingeveryday household goods.with a strong emphasis on new•Military products are sold onlyproduct development and researchthrough the government of the United•Finances in good shapeStates.•It has a wide range of outlets to•business.choose from.•Opportunities••Rising demand from Asia’s andSupply chain volatility can hurt aCustomer acquisition is a problem.Threats•Customers’ spending habits can beChina’s developing markets.adversely affected by an economicThey are taking advantage of thedownturn, which can have acurrent technological resourcessignificant negative impact on sales.available to us.Technology has a short shelf life.•The demand for professional robotshas increased.2. What is the competitive strategy used by the iRobot company?An effective competitive strategy sets the company apart from its competitors. It includes a varietyof techniques for making a company stand out from the competition (Sołoducho-Pelc & Sulich, 2020).Two of its most important effects are the unique selling point for business and a significant boost to thebrand image. Research and Development are integral to iRobot’s competitive strategy, which focusesheavily on innovation. Approximately 6% of the company’s revenue is from research and Development.Due to R&D, the company plans to continue creating and releasing new products. Therefore, the companyhas a market advantage.3. Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the robot-based product industry.An industry’s attractiveness and rivalry can be assessed using Porter’s five forces, a strategicanalysis technique. Barriers to entry are the first thing to consider. It is difficult to get into this businessbecause it involves a significant investment in R&D. To make it more difficult for fledgling enterprises,they must have access to cutting-edge technology. The threat of new entrants is therefore low as a result.The bargaining power of suppliers is another aspect of Porter’s Five Forces. Suppliers have a moderateamount of negotiating influence, mainly because there are so few players in the business. Suppliers’bargaining power would have been more substantial if more companies were in the industry(So, 2018).Another factor is the ability of the customer to negotiate. Customers have moderate negotiating leveragesince many large and small enterprises, government contractors, and government-sponsored laboratoriesand colleges provide these items. Traditional vacuum cleaners like Dyson and Oreck can be swapped forsome business-related things. The industry’s …

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