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Apr 29, 2024

Assignment Task

Brief description

This assessment requires you to work individually and produce a poster aimed at understanding and managing an episode of care.


A key role of nursing practice is to make prioritized clinical decisions based on critical thinking and the complex care needs of the individual and families. This assessment builds on the case study approach from your tutorials and lectures and incorporates critical thinking and clinical decision making to hone skills in prioritising care. Presenting the information in a poster format helps you develop skills, in succinct yet comprehensive articulation of concepts/ ideas for the care and education of patients, and the formulation of information requiring relevant graphics/text both of which are key skills for RN practice. This piece of assessment would be appropriate to include in your e-portfolio to demonstrate your capacity for future employability.

Background information

1. Outline the context of the patient episode and give a brief description of the health issues for the person (this is determined mostly by the scenario you are developing and sets the context for the audience).

2. Describe succinctly the underlying pathophysiology and symptomatology (clinical signs and symptoms) the person may experience in the given context of the patient scenario. You need to consider all of the health issues i.e. the pathophysiology of the comorbidities as well.

3. Outline the `KEY` or focused assessment criteria (data) you would include for the person i.e. what objective and subjective clinical data is necessary in order to develop a nursing plan of care for the person within the context outlined in the case scenario (be specific to the case scenario).

4. Include a brief outline of the relevant diagnostic and ongoing tests (e.g. biochemistry, haematology, cytology, ultrasound, x-rays etc.) associated with the health problem for collaborative/ interprofessional care (this can be in point form on your poster). Ensure your response is focused and relevant to the context of the clinical scenario.

5. Outline succinctly, the developmental considerations for the person in the case study. You will need to review developmental theory such as Erikson (example only) and support your response by referring to the developmental theorist you have chosen. This is available in ‘Fundamentals of Nursing’ texts. If in doubt, please seek further advice or ask on the study desk.

Nursing management 

1. Identify and explain the nursing management (from a biopsychosocial perspective i.e. physical, psychological and social perspective – focus on whatever is contextual) for the person`s health problem in the case scenario, this includes:

  • Identifying and explaining at least three (3) key/priority nursing interventions. This should include any evidence-based approaches to care (e.g. you may review Joanna Briggs & Cochrane websites). These interventions should be specific and succinctly detailed. Poster Inclusions 6 © University of Southern Queensland
  • Discussion of the rationale for your interventions (what is the reason for your chosen interventions / and explain why they are a priority, relate back to theory or researched evidence).
  • Discussion of any other nursing and collaborative management approaches and follow through care, including education / self-management strategies to assist the person managing their ongoing health care episode (relates to the point above). This may also include evidence-based approaches to care.
  • Outlining the nurse’s role in the provision of collaborative care for optimal outcomes (be succinct here).

2. Discern two (2) potential problems (complications) associated with the current presenting condition and signs and symptoms (S&S) the nurse would assess and observe for, to detect a change in condition and prevent worsening/ deterioration of the person`s health status.

Case Study Topic

A 55 y.o. female Didi, with suspected R) infected leg ulcer. Didi is a 55 y.o. single female who lives alone in a one-bedroom apartment. Didi has presented to the emergency department of a regional hospital with multiple issues. Didi complains of a swollen leg, painful wound, feeling unwell, nauseated and off her food for several days. The traumatic wound had previously been sutured 4 weeks prior to this presentation, after lacerating her leg on some sharp steel. Didi had recently been an inpatient and was discharged 10 days ago for treatment of an infection in the lacerated wound. The infection required 5 days of IV antibiotics. She has not drunk much in the last 3 days and has been sipping on Lemonade. Didi has recently been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and is taking oral hypoglycaemics daily.

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