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Feb 29, 2024

Assignment Task

Task Instructions

You are required to produce a word Patient Education Leaflet specifically for Jeremiah’s mother based on the information provided in the ISBAR handover the RN has provided you with. Please use the Word template provided to you in the Canvas Assignment page. Images are allowable but need to be referred to within the text. The use of boxes or tables for information is not allowed.

Your leaflet needs to:

A. Provide information to the caregivers of Jeremiah about:

(i) The pathophysiology and risk factors and or triggers of asthma.

Please only write about the risk factors or triggers the case study patient actually has. You are to briefly explain how the pathophysiology processes of asthma result in the case study patients` subjective and objective signs and symptoms.

Consider: what are the links or connections between the patho and the signs and symptoms.

(ii) Explain the information this case study patient’s mother needs to self-manage (or family-manage) his condition.

What does this parent need to know to prevent deterioration and minimise his symptoms. What does she need to understand to prevent hospitalisation or an acute/severe asthma attack? How can he manage his current symptoms effectively? Why or how do these strategies have an effect on the pathophysiology of asthma?

Please note that: a general discussion is not appropriate here. Carefully tailor your response to this patient’s data. A strong response will consider all relevant factors identified from the case study but leave out those not mentioned. A strong response will also remember to briefly explain WHY a certain self-management strategy should be used. How will it help? Why does it work?

B. Demonstrate your ability to explain potentially complex clinical information in a way that a particular patient/caregiver can understand and apply the information in order to participate in their own health management or that of their child.

Case Study

Context: You are a Student RN on placement at a large regional GP surgery. You are working today with the Chronic Diseases RN. They see a lot of Paediatric patients and their families.

Jeremiah Martin, 8 y.o. male. S Jeremiah’s mother (Erin) has brought him into the local GP surgery reporting a few episodes lately where Jeremiah has a persistent dry cough, particularly at night, she can occasionally hear a wheezing sound when he breathes out and he is complaining ‘My chest is tight, and I can’t breathe properly’.

These episodes have been relieved within a few minutes by his usual Salbutamol puffer, but this is taking up to 8 to 10 ‘puffs’ each time.

Jeremiah has had a previous asthma diagnosis, but Erin is concerned that these episodes are becoming more frequent recently. She states, ‘every day for the past week’.

Jeremiah lives with his family (Mum and two younger siblings). His mother (Erin) is his primary care giver.

They have recently moved up to Queensland from interstate and are living with Erin’s brother until their new house is ready. Jeremiah’s uncle is a smoker.

Erin states all the kids have had a ‘cold’ recently and Jeremiah needed his puffer more during that time.

Jeremiah has no other medical conditions other than what his mother says is a ‘mild allergy to cats’.

Vital signs currently in normal ranges for his age and weight. Only exception is a Respiratory rate of 28 breaths per minute.

Expiratory wheeze on auscultation.

He is 1.32m tall and a normal weight for his height.

Peak flow measurement (before inhaler) of 200. Jeremiah’s eyes are slightly reddened and a bit puffy. He rubs at them and complains they are itchy.

Mild allergy to cats. Mother states Jeremiah stayed overnight last night at a friend`s place with cats. ‘But just once shouldn’t matter, should it?’ she asks. Upon discussion with Erin, it is established:

  • Jeremiah has not seen a GP in over a year.
  • She has not familiar with the peak flow meter and they do not have one.
  • She asks ‘what’s that’ when asked about an Asthma Action Plan.
  • He does not use a spacer
  • She does not know what the newly prescribed Ciclesonide is for

GP prescribed: Salbutamol inhaler with Spacer (100 microg MDI) 6-12 puffs (via spacer) for use PRN. Ciclesonide 80 microg once daily (regular).

Erin needs health management information for Jeremiah and a referral for an Asthma Action Plan. Please note: You are not asked to write the Asthma Action Plan for this task.

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