Subject Code & Title : NURS5027 Therapeutic Relationship
Assessment Type : Written Assignment
Word Count : (2,500 words)
Assignment Briefs
1.1. Option 1 assignment brief
I.Assignment Detailed Guidance
The aim of this module is to equip you with a greater range of tools and knowledge with which you can deepen your understanding of your patients’/clients’ perspectives and needs (including their families too).
There are two options for the assignment for this module, depending on whether you have any recent (within 1 year) previous experience of clinical practice in your role in health care.
For those with recent clinical practice experience in nursing you may select either Option 1 or Option 2:
Assignment Brief (Option 1)
A reflective analysis of a specific interaction you have had with a patient/client, incorporating learning about therapeutic relationships.
For those students who are ‘direct entry’ to year 2, and have no experience of clinical practice or for those who have been on approved temporary withdrawal and therefore may have been away from clinical practice for a period of a year or more,please select option 2 for the assignment, as that option does not require you to reflect on your past experience in your role as student nurse
Questions to check understanding :
Check key terminology:
1.What is a ‘specific interaction’?
2.What is a ‘therapeutic relationship’? (Can you define it?)
3.What ‘new learning’ have you gained from the module?
Option 1:
This assignment is devised to help you identify and apply the knowledge that you have gained from the module to a specific interaction from your own practice and to result in new learning about therapeutic relationships.
1.What ‘knowledge’ have you gained from the module?
2.How will you ‘apply’ the knowledge?What does this mean?
You are required to provide a reasoned argument, using literature which demonstrates an appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge of the topic area.
You are required to select an interaction that you have been part of with a patient. It is recommended that you choose a recent interaction from placement that you can easily recall. The focus of the reflective
analysis needs to be on YOUR practice in the interaction and on your relationship with the patient/client. If you’re uncertain whether the interaction you decide to explore is suitable, please ask your seminar leader.
1.What interactions have you experienced that you could choose from?
Tip: Don’t select an interaction that is still very upsetting for you to think about. For example, if you have experienced a recent personal bereavement it is difficult to reflect on a situation that involved the death of a patient. Seek support from staff to discuss such situations.
You are required to write a description of the interaction in 600 words. This is the ‘story of what happened’ in the interaction.Include your own feelings and thoughts as they occurred at the time.
Give enough detail to enable the reader to picture the scene you are describing.
1.Have you written the description with enough detail that someone else can ‘picture’ this scene?
2.What is the difference between an observation and an interpretation?
Building on your reading from the literature and the learning throughout the module, you are then required to write a reflective analysis to demonstrate how the theories and concepts you have explored
can be applied to this interaction.
1.What will you reflect on? What concepts and theories can you apply to this particular interaction?
2.Why is it important to reflect on this?
In order to be able to write this you will have to think about what concepts and principles are under pinning this interaction
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