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Jan 30, 2024

Assignment Task

1. Review Question and Objectives

  • Is the review question clearly and explicitly stated?
  • What is the purpose, objective, and/or question of the systematic review?

2. Inclusion Criteria

  • What is the inclusion criteria for this review?
  • Is the inclusion criteria appropriate for the review question? Explain why/why not?

3. Search Strategy

  • Is a clear search strategy provided?
  • Is the search strategy appropriate? Explain why/why not

4. Sources and Resources for Article Search 

  • What sources and resources were used to search for articles.
  • Explain if the sources and resources are adequate?

5. Criteria for Appraising Studies 

  • What was the criteria for appraising studies?
  • Was this criteria appropriate? Provide a rational for your answer

6. Independent Critical Appraisal

  • Was critical appraisal conducted by two or more reviewers independently?
  • Explain why it is important to have two or more reviewers.

7. Data Extraction Methods 

  • How was the data extracted?
  • What methods were used to minimize errors in data extraction? Are these methods appropriate? Explain.

8. Methods for Combining Studies 

  • Were the methods used to combine studies appropriate? Provide a rational for your answer.

9. Assessment of Publication Bias

  • Was the likelihood of publication bias assessed? Provide a rationale for your answer

10. Support for Recommendations 

  • Were recommendations for policy and/or practice supported by the reported data? Explain how.

11. Directives for New Research 

  • Were specific directives for new research identified? Are these appropriate? Provide a rationale for your answer.

12. Application of Findings to Clinical Practice

  • From your appraisal of this review would you apply the findings to your clinical practice? Explain why/why not.
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