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Apr 10, 2023

Module Code :- NX0474
Module Title :- Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage
Further information about general assessment criteria ARTA regulations referencing and plagiarism can be found on the module’s site on the e Learning Portal Students are advised to read and follow this information This assessment includes group work and/or peer assessment or evaluation. It is important that students familiarise themselves with protocols for these activities and follow these during the course of the assessment. The document can be found on the module’s site on the e-Learning Portal.
NX0474 Strategic Management For Competitive Advantage Assignment – UK

Introduction :-
You will participate in a business simulation exercise Business Simulation based on the European Car Industry. The purpose of the exercise is to give you the opportunity to use the learning from the four functional areas marketing finance human resources and operations management to simulate the setting up and running of a business which is competing for market share.

In Week 5 you will attend an introductory lecture which will explain the objectives of the simulation and the process for making decisions. In the Busines Simulation seminars you will be divided into teams of 5-6 students. Each team has to set up a car manufacturing company design two cars and sell these to the market. The teams within each seminar group will compete with one another for market share. The objective for each team is to maximise the shareholder value of their company at the end of four decision rounds.

Information on the market together with cost data will be posted on Blackboard in Week 5. Each team should read this information carefully and use it to establish a business strategy. On 20 and 27 Nov the teams will make a set of decisions each week to be submitted online. The results in the form of computer generated reports will be available online later in the week.

In order to complete the assessment detailed below it is essential that each student keeps a detailed record of the team meetings the decisions made the rationale for these decisions and their own role as a member of the team.

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