Assignment Overview
In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession.
Assignment Details:
Perform the following tasks:
Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.
Assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change.
Observe your healthcare environment, focusing on areas of nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature.
Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change you want to make.
Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change.
Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal.
Reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession.
Write a 3-5 page paper following the criteria below:
Your paper should include primary sources and include at least two peer-reviewed nursing journal articles.
Citations should be in your own words and not direct quotes.
Include a title page, appropriate headings, and reference page.
The paper should be double spaced, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, follow APA style format, and cite all sources correctly.
Include the proper file naming convention: NUR204_wk9_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy.
When you have completed the assignment, select Next to go to Week 10.
Week 9 Assignment: Change Paper
Week 9 Assignment: Change Paper
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Cited 4 or more reliable sources.-Sufficient information provided to support topic.-Research in-depth, revealing new insight.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Cited 4 or more reliable sources.-Adequate information provided to support topic.-Research is superficial.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Missing citations or unreliable sources used.-Information does not support research topic.-Research is not relevant to paper.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Appropriate topic is chosen that relates directly to the nursing process.-Proposed plan contains specific ideas for change.-Change theory is included and proposal follows theory.-Timeline is included for change proposal.-Reflection is provided.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Appropriate topic is chosen that relates directly to the nursing process.-Proposed plan is included but missing specifics.-Change theory is included and proposal follows theory.-Timeline is incomplete-Reflection is not relevant to nursing process.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Inappropriate topic is chosen that is unrelated to nursing process.-Proposed plan is inconsistent and missing specifics.-Change theory is missing or inappropriate. Plan does not follow theory.-Timeline is missing.-Reflection is missing.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Spelling
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Consistent and appropriate writing style.-No spelling/grammar errors.-Length is 3-5 pages using Times NewRoman, 12-point font
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Writing is consistent and appropriate.-Grammar/spelling errors are minor.-Length is less than 3pages or Times NewRoman, 12-point font not used.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Writing is inconsistent and inappropriate.-Significant grammar/spelling errors.-Length less than 3 pages or Times NewRoman, 12-point font not used.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences/APA
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-All sources properly cited using APA format.-Includes title page, page numbers, proper paragraphs, and reference page.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-All sources properly cited using APA format with minor errors(punctuation).-Includes title page, page numbers, and reference page with minor errors in paragraph format.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Sources not cited correctly.-Missing elements such as title page, and reference page.
3 pts