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May 24, 2023

I have been tasked with preparing a cyber security management report at Master’s level. The assignment entails creating a consultant report based on Case Study 5: "Provide a central remote access solution for employees, third parties, and partners." The report should cover the following sections:

  1. High-Level Summary: Provide a 200-word summary of the client requirements and how they were utilized to generate the Statement of Work (5%).
  2. Statement of Work: Develop a detailed Statement of Work (SoW) outlining all relevant deliverables based on client requirements, including technical descriptions, strawman processes, or hybrid deliverables (15%).
  3. Technical Solution: Detail the technical solutions to be implemented, encompassing target security architecture, security technologies, public cloud usage, cloud security approach, and strawman versions of processes if applicable (30%).
  4. Project Delivery: Design an agile sprint plan for the project, outlining each sprint’s design and deliverables (15%).
  5. Resource Requirements: Compile resource requirements and define a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix for each deliverable, considering client and consultant resources (15%).
  6. Budget Forecast: Utilize the ACME consultancy rate card to provide a detailed budget forecast for project delivery (10%).
  7. Risk Management: Create a RAID log (Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies) focusing on project risks throughout the delivery lifecycle, with an emphasis on data security and GDPR compliance (10%).

The consultant report should be a PDF document not exceeding 3,500 words. It should demonstrate task completion, proper formatting, and adherence to the Harvard referencing standard. Tables should be properly labeled and captioned, and spelling and grammar should be correct (though tables do not count towards the word count).

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