Part 1
As a graduate of Columbia Southern University`s Safety and Emergency Services program, you have decided to pursue a career as an occupational safety and health consultant. You were recently contacted by Will B. Shafe, the human resource manager at On Call, the company that employs Ms. Handz-Hurt from the unit lesson. According to Mr. Shafe, he is having trouble convincing the leadership at the company to address ergonomics because there is no OSHA ergonomics mandate.
Part I:
You have agreed to assist Mr. Shafe by preparing a one-page minimum overview explaining the regulatory requirements related to ergonomics, including the history of the OSHA Ergonomic Standard and the benefits of implementing an ergonomics program. Your summary must include references and should be written to convince management to implement a program (after all, you are a consultant, and you want their business).
Part II:
After a week Mr. Shafe contacts you again and asks you to review a specific operation and provide some information that he can present to his leadership team.
Watch the scenario YouTube video "MOS6701 Video1" and then answer the following questions about the operation. Please note that this video does not include audio.
Using the above video, you are required to write a two-page response that includes the following information:
Question A. Provide a description of the task being performed.
Question B. Include a discussion of the individual and work-related risk factors identified in the video.
Question C. Include a discussion of the potential MSDs to which the workers are exposed.
Question D. Provide a discussion of the relationship between the human body, the workplace, and the development of MSDs.
Question E. Discuss how including the ergonomic issues into an existing safety and health management system can help reduce risks associated with these ergonomic hazards.
Part 2
After your initial review of the operations and safety data sheets (SDS), you have determined the sampling you want to perform at Acme Automotive Parts (AAP). The table below lists hazards you want to sample and the sampling/analytical methods you decide to use. You can access the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) methods and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) methods.
Hazard POSSIBLE METOD Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL)
Manganese Fume (Welding) NIOSH 7302 5mg/m3( OSHA CEILING)
Xylene (Paint) OSHA 1002 100 ppm (OSHA 8-hour TWA)
Metal Working Fluids NIOSH 5524 0.5mg/m3 (NIOSH 10 Hour TWAREL)
Question A. Which sampling media will you be using?
Question B. What flow rate will you use?
Question C. How will you calibrate the sampling train?
Question D. Calculate the minimum sampling time you will require to be able to detect concentrations at the OELs listed in the table. Show your work in calculating the sampling times.
Question E. Will you collect personal or area samples? Explain why.
Question F. Are there any compounds listed in the method that might interfere with your sample?
Question G. Are there any special storage or shipment requirements for your samples?
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