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Apr 10, 2023

Unit title & code Psychology & Criminal Behaviour (PSY005-1) Referral
Assignment number and title Assessment 1; Group presentation
Assessment type Presentation
Weighting of assessment 30%
Unit learning outcomes:On completion of this assessment, you should be able to demonstrate knowledge of a range of key concepts and theories in Psychology. You should also be able to demonstrate an understanding of their application to offending behaviour, and an appreciation of the different research methods and ethical issues faced when researching offenders.
PSY005-1 Psychology & Criminal Behaviour Referral Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

You should also be able to demonstrate both broad and basic under standings of the subject matter and evidence of an emerging ability to create cogent academic arguments, which include a foundational
level of criticality through evaluation of material.

PSY005-1 Psychology & Criminal Behaviour Referral Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

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