Do not turn in a paper that tells me how earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. occur in general. I already know this. I want to know how these hazards form in, and affect, your specific area.
For example, “Earthquakes occur when friction builds up along tectonic plate boundaries” is a general description, and not what I want to see.
In contrast, “Earthquakes occur along the San Andreas Fault due to friction building up between the North American and Pacific plates” is a perfect description of that location’s hazards and how they form at that area specifically.
The text will be 5-6 double spaced pages with one-inch margins, but should be no more than 7. This does not include the title page, reference cited, or figures. Use 12-point font. I suggest using Ariel, Cambria, or Times New Roman.
The area is Yangon, Myanmar.