+44 7743 307695
Apr 26, 2023

Research technology tools, appropriate for the level of school you teach, that may be used to help with the following:

Enhance instruction
Improve student learning
Support and meet diverse learners needs

Consider how the tools may be used to develop, implement, and evaluate curriculum.

Select 2 to 3 technology tools that you would like teachers to either learn to use or use more effectively in your school.

Create an 8- to 10-slide multimedia presentation about your selected technology tools in which you:

Describe each tool and how it supports the following teaching practices:
Enhance instruction
Improve student learning
Meet the learning needs of a diverse population
Describe implementation strategies for each technology tool.
Explain effective curriculum development, implementation, and the role of technology in both.
Describe administrators roles and responsibilities related to the following:
Teacher use of technology tools to design and/or facilitate curriculum-based instruction
Implementation of technology tools
Discuss evaluation strategies for technology use in curriculum development and instruction.

Overcoming Challenges: Summary
20% of total grade
The summary of the challenges associated with the safe and legal use of technology in schools was clear and concise. The summary fully addressed how each challenge affected a principals supervision and leadership.

Overcoming Challenges: Flowchart
20% of total grade
The flowchart included steps for resolving each challenge that fully aligned with the topic and offered detailed explanations for how the resolutions addressed the required elements. The explanations provided specific examples of what was included in the process. The flowchart was visually appealing and demonstrated an effective use of space that organized information in a logical way.

Presentation: Description of Tools
10% of total grade
The presentation offered a detailed description of the technology tools and provided specific examples of how the technology tools enhance instruction, improve student learning, and meet the needs of diverse learners. The examples were fully supported with relevant evidence from quality sources.

Presentation: Implementation Strategies
10% of total grade
The presentation included implementation strategies for the technology tools that completely aligned with the intended technology tool and fully supported the addressed teaching practices.

Presentation: Explanation
10% of total grade
The presentation provided a thorough explanation of effective curriculum development, implementation, and the role of technology in these practices. The explanation was written in clear and concise language, was comprised of carefully chosen facts, and was fully supported with relevant evidence from quality sources

Presentation: Administrators Roles and Responsibilities
10% of total grade
The presentation offered a detailed description of the roles and responsibilities of an administrator related to curriculum development and implementation. The descriptions provided specific examples of the roles and responsibilities and were fully supported with relevant evidence from quality sources.

Presentation: Evaluation Strategies
10% of total grade
The presentation included evaluation strategies for the use of technology in curriculum development and instruction and provided a detailed description for the use of each strategy. The strategies completely aligned with the intended technology

Presentation Elements
5% of total grade

Syntax and Semantics
5% of total grade

Compile the following for submission:

Overcoming Challenges Summary
Overcoming Challenges Flowchart
Technology Tools Presentation

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