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Jun 01, 2023
Assignment 1: 2 Parts
Part 1: Determine a Topic for your final paper
Review current societal issues that interests you and you want to research further, you will use this topic for your this week’s weekly discussion post, as well as the topic you will use for your final paper. Keep in mind;
The Societal Problem: is it current?
Can research be done on this topic?
Who/what population is the focus of this problem
Why does this particular problem deserve further investigation?
Due: 250 word description of the problem you chose, answering the questions listed above.
Part 2: Locate articles that will support your final paper
For this week’s discussion post you are required to locate and discuss an article relating to the focus topic you choice in part 1. In addition to the source you locate for your discussion, you will locate 3 additional articles that pertain to your topic.
Due: Locate 3 additional PEER REVIEWED articles relating to your topic choose in part 1 of this assignment. Provide the FULL citation of the article as well as a brief description of the article.
Acceptable journals include PLOS ONE, Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, The Sociological Review, Journal of Public Health, Health Education Research, American Journal of Public Health, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, or other similar journals that can be found via the SUNY Library (please ensure to select ‘peer reviewed articles’ when searching the on-line library catalog). The study should have been performed within the past 10 years.
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