Title: Technology Encounters: Integrated Model of Sports Governance for Sustainable Development.
Beginning with a rich heritage of General Assembly and Human Rights Council resolutions, UN agreements, Secretary-General reports, and other guiding documents demonstrating sport`s enormous potential. The United Nations has long accepted, espoused for, and endorsed its valuable commitments to peace and development. The Sport for Advancement and Tranquility society accompanied the procedures and accomplishments that led to the ancient adoption of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 with keen interest and a dedication to continuing utilizing sport as an unparalleled resource to aid this emerging world action plan (Chams 2019).
Sports are also a critical facilitator of long-term growth. Yang (2020), recognize sport`s increasing ability to contribute to advancement and peace through its passage of civility and acceptance, as well as its charitable donations to women`s and youthful people`s empowering, individual and demonstrating the importance, and health, schooling, and social integration goals (Dai 2020). This comprehensive study will elaborate on the role of sports in sustainable development, analyzing sport-specific Sustainable Development Goals’ targets (Chams 2019). It will also reflect the implications, strategies and policy requirements.
The intent of this overview is to inform, inspire, encourage, and support essential parties such as States, UN entities, athletic organizations, sports confederation and affiliations, underpinnings, non-governmental organizations, sportsmen, the mainstream press, civilized society, academic institutions, and the private industry in their significant participation to the SDGs. Goals relating to Sustainable Development concerning sports are as follows: (SDG 2019).
Following 15 years of extraordinary progress forward towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the world`s focus has turned to the replacement of SDGs as a content of the change to the newly established United Nations SDGs 2030 (Lindsey 2017). Based in the United Nations, the worldwide society launched a rigorous public consultation with participants from all areas of society to examine successes and unfinished business surrounding the eight MDGs and decided on 17 SDGs to be followed over the following 15 years.
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