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Apr 05, 2023

Assessment 1 (A1)
Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes
This module will allow a student to apply reasoned judgement and rigour in handling information which may be complex, incomplete or contradictory.
You will find a link to both assessments on Blackboard together with Turnitin links for submission.
Assessment task: Individual Essay
Assessment learning objectives: 1 and 2
Weighting: 40%
Method of submission: Turnitin via Blackboard
Test Word count or equivalent: 2,000 words +/-10%
TH70084E Aviation Management Essay West London University Uk

Assessment briefing and criteria:
This will be an essay, which is a discursive piece of writing which develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis and interpretation. You will need to answer one out of four questions, see below.
These questions will reflect each of the Module’s parts delivered up to week of submission. Support and guidance will be provided each week in the timetabled sessions.

Marking Scheme:
Marks are allocated as follows:
 35% – Knowledge and understanding of concepts
 25% – Ability to collect, synthesise and apply information
 20% – Ability to generate appropriate conclusions
 20% – Structure, communication and presentation

Timing of feedback: Written individual comments on examination scripts by 22 nd April 2021.Students will then have the opportunity to discuss their performance orally with the module leader and receive appropriate feedback based on these comments.

A1 Essay Questions (only select one out of four and answer):
1.The commercial air transport industry is one of the most strictly regulated industries with bodies regulating its operation on the international and national level. Identify a situation/ case in recent or historical aviation-related events and then: (10%-word count)
(a) Explain briefly which international, regional and national organisations influence or are potentially concerned with the issue from the selected situation or case? (20%-word count)
(b) Critically compare the authority and potential effectiveness in managing the issue by the before mentioned organisation(s) drawing from your case or situation and their formal nominal area of influence? (70%-word count)

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