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Jan 18, 2022
  1. n theory, the biopsychosocial model approaches the treatment of mental health problems through the understanding that biological, psychological, and sociological factors all contribute to psychological distress. In reality, however, this approach still locates there a problem in the individuals biology a sop posed to locating the causes of psychological distress inline qualities of power. Discuss and evaluate using appropriate research evidence complete the assessment, you will present your key argument and supporting evidence in a presentation to your tutor and some peers via zoom.

    Learning Outcomes:-

    • Understand a range of key biological, psychological, and sociological theories relating to social sciences.
    • Appreciate how biological, psychological, and sociological theories can provide an understanding of the complex relationship between the individual and society.
    • Can interpret and compare the key biopsychosocial theory
    • Can collate, examine and compare theoretical and empirical information relating to the material covered in the module
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