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Mar 31, 2023

Subject Code & Title: TNA67 Marketing Processes And Planning
Word limit : 1,000–1,500 words
This Unit will be assessed by a 15-minute webinar, a briefing paper and a marketing plan .
You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document” before answering your assignment.
TNA67 Marketing Processes And Planning Assignment 2 – ICON College UK.

TNA67 Pearson BTEC HND In Business Assignment.

A The Marketing Concept Webinar:

Transferrable skills and competencies developed
• Articulating and effectively explaining information.
• Communication and listening, including the ability to produce clear, structured business communications in a variety of media.
• Conceptual and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other business units of an organisation

Vocational Scenario

Organisation (Select an appropriate supermarket that meets local needs) With a history dating back 30 years, a supermarket (of your choice) that opened its first store in the Netherlands with only 15 employees and around 600 products, has grown considerably since then. It has expanded rapidly into a supermarket chain that now has a total of 4,200 supermarket stores across Europe. Since 2000, the business has developed an impressive presence in the
UK and is one of the main “value” of food supermarkets in the UK, with a branch network stretching to 800 stores. The UK holding company reported revenues totalling £4 billion and has an objective of increasing to 1,100 UK stores by 2025, on revenues of £6.5 billion. The business has zero-waste policy and two-thirds of its products are UK sourced. Its business model centres on offering high-quality continental style products, combined with a no-frills “pass-the savings”- onto-the-customer” approach that includes, among other things, allowing customers to pick in- store directly from their original delivery cartons.

Role :
You are a Junior Marketing Analyst working in the Marketing Department. Your role encompasses new product development, from initial research through to test trials in selected stores prior to full roll out. Your duties include:

• gathering information on competitors in order to conduct analysis on their sales, prices, and methods of distribution and marketing to thoroughly learn about the competition
• conducting research on marketing strategies and consumer opinions
• tracking and forecasting trends in sales and marketing; producing reports on the results for management to inform their decision making
• collecting and analysing data on customer preferences, demographics, buying habits and needs, to be better identify market potential and the factors that influence product demand.

Assignment activity and guidance :
You have been approached by a national station radio, which has invited you to be part of a webinar panel aimed at introducing its younger audience to marketing as an exciting career pathway. As part of the webinar, you have been given a 15-minute slot and have been asked to discuss and analyse the following areas:

• the concept and role of marketing in the 21st century
• roles and responsibilities in marketing, and the competencies required to succeed
• how the marketing function works and interacts with other departments in the super market and how it supports the wider organizational context in terms of vision, mission and purpose.

Providing critical reflection on, and insights into, the internal and external factors that influence your role.

The radio station has asked you to pre-record the webinar presentation using s suitable and appropriate format (for example, MP3) and provide a full transcript.

Your task is to record the webinar and submit the accompanying transcript of the webinar.

B Process Bench marking :
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO2 Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix to achieve over all business objectives

Transferrable skills and competencies developed
• Use appropriate business systems and software effectively to deliver marketing outcomes efficiently, for example, to analyse data, produce reports, deliver copy.
• Produce a wide range of creative and effective communications, showing ability to write and proof-read clear and innovative copy and project briefs, and give confident presentations.
• Assimilate and analyse data and information from a range of sources to support marketing activities
• Ability to analyse and evaluate a range of business data
• Commercial acumen based on an awareness of the key drivers of business.

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