‘Nay, it is true, or else I am a Turk’ (Iago, in book Othello) ‘I am a Jew, if I serve the Jew’ (Lancelot Gobbo, in The Merchant of Venice) How do early modern plays use cultural stereotyping to pose questions about identity?
What have we here — a man, or a fish?’ (Trinculo, in The Tempest). Write about therepresentation of the foreign body in Renaissance theatre.What have we here — a man, or a fish?’ (Trinculo, in The Tempest by Shakespeare). Write about therepresentation of the foreign body in Renaissance theatre.
Q2 I saw Othello’s visage in his mind’ (Desdemona, Othello by Shakespeare). What happens when love crosses theboundaries of race in early modern theatre?I saw Othello’s visage in his mind’ (Desdemona, Othello book). What happens when love crosses theboundaries of race in early modern theatre?
FORMAT WRITING STYLE- MHRA style with footnotes, quotations n bibliography.