This assessment aims to consolidate your knowledge about the registration requirements for Registered Nurses in Australia and the need to identify knowledge and professional practice gaps prior to completion of the Bachelor of Nursing degree.
Please note this assessment starts to build self-awareness by analysing your adherence to the registration requirements and this information will be utilised in assessment 2. In assessment 2, you will use your developing self-awareness to understand your current capabilities and prepare an action plan to ensure you meet all these registration requirements. Assessment 1 and 2 should build on each other and should be an integrated plan for your continuing professional development.
Throughout your Bachelor of Nursing degree, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) are mentioned repeatedly as they are the governing bodies of Registered Nurses in Australia. Nursing is a regulated health profession, and as such, Registered Nurses are responsible and accountable to the NMBA and AHPRA. The NMBA standards, codes and guidelines should be evident in your nursing practice and should inform the development of your scope of practice and aspirations as Registered Nurses.In this assessment task, you will analyse these registration requirements and identify the specific learning needs you have in preparation for registration with AHPRA, and prior to seeking employment as a Registered Nurse. These learning needs can be personal and professional and can focus on your individual practice and your interprofessional collaboration and teamwork.
To complete this assessment, utilise the SWOT framework below:
You are required to:
Reflect on your strengths
What registration requirements have you already met? What nursing tasks and practical skills do you excel at? What are your strengths in relation to your personal characteristics? What achievements are you most proud of? What would your fellow students say are your strengths? What areas of theoretical knowledge are your strengths?
Reflect on your weaknesses
What registration requirements are you not meeting yet? What do you need to practice on? What skills are not so easy for you to perform? What are your negative work habits and personality traits (e.g. trouble setting boundaries)? What theoretical knowledge gaps do you have to close?
Reflect on the opportunities you have to correct these weaknesses and ensure you meet the registration requirements
How could your connections (i.e. students/learning facilitators) help you? What further education/training have you identified that is available to you, in order to increase your knowledge or skills so you can meet registration requirements? Is there a mentor that you can turn to? Can you do more practice clinical skills you have not yet mastered?
Lastly, reflect on the threats that may prohibit you from meeting these registration requirement
Do you have enough time to work on your weaknesses so that you can meet registration requirements? Are you becoming complacent? Do you have a lack of self-confidence? Do you foresee any obstacles to meeting registration requirements or overcoming your identified weaknesses?
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