+44 7743 307695
Feb 03, 2025

Learning Aims

A: Develop a three-dimensional computer-aided model of an engineered product that can be used as part of other engineering processes.

Vocational Scenario or Context:

You are a second year engineering apprentice in a small to medium manufacturing company. Your supervisor has asked you to produce a portfolio relating to a specific assembly that the company manufactures for the purpose of refining the parts if it is thought necessary. You will be given the current specification for the individual parts and the assembled system. You are expected to produce the 3D models relating to each part and to produce the assembled model having added some refinements to improve the overall system.

Task 1

  • Produce 3D models of all the components for the vice and detail drawings of each component.
  • Produce an assembly of the vice and an assembly drawing including a bill of materials.
  • Materials will be assigned to each model.
  • The drawings can be found on the link below.The drawings can be found on the link below.

    Checklist of Evidence Required


  • 3D Models of each part.
  • An Assembly of the vice.
  • Detail and assembly drawings..

Criteria Covered by This Task:

Criteria covered by this task:

Unit/Criteria reference & To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:

  • 10/B.D1 – Refine models and drawings to an international standard of an accurate and correctly orientated 3D assembled product that is fit for purpose, applying appropriate materials to all components and create a drawing template.
  • 10/B.M1 – Produce accurate models and drawings that mainly meet an international standard of an assembled 3D product containing at least seven well-orientated components and apply a material to all components.
  • 10/B.P1 – Create models and drawings of at least five 3D components from an assembled product, and apply a material to two or more components.
  • 10/B.P2 – Create a model and drawings of an assembled product containing at least five components with two or more components well orientated.
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