You have just become the new marketing manager for Lifeline complementary therapy ce Congratulations! online. Through this report you will demonstrate your knowledge of complementary therapies and Your first task now is to write a reportwhich will be placed in Doctors waiting rooms and be posted educate others.
Explainthe different types of complementary therapies briefly. In this you now have to sell the Lifeline complementary health centre by discussingwhat each complimentary therapy is, including their treatment processes which could include signs and symptoms, administration, frequency/dosage:
The Lifeline complimentary health centre offers the following range of therapies:
Pharmaceutical mediated: |
Physically mediated: |
Psychological mediated: |
Herbal Medicine |
Reflexology, Osteopathy, |
Counseling |
Homeopathy |
Acupuncture Aromatherapy Chiropractic yoga |
Hypnotherapy |
Alexander Technique |
Psychotherapy |
Assesstwo complementary therapies.You must include both advantages (e.g. enhancing health, amelioration of symptoms etc.) and disadvantages (e.g. contraindications, intrinsic harm etc.).
Analyzethe factors that could influence access to complementary therapies which could include physical or geographical factors alongside socio-economic, cultural, educational factors and referral systems.
Task two: Complimentary VS Orthodox (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4)
The director of the Lifeline complementary therapy centre is very pleased with the success of your report and you have been offered a pay rise! However before that can happen you will need to submit an essay, discussing Complementary versus Orthodox Medicine.For this task you should write an essayto clearly analysethe role of complementary therapies in relation to orthodox treatments
To do this choose a disorder and compare the role of twocomplimentary therapies in treating that disorder with those of orthodox treatments.
In making your comparison you could consider:
Evaluatethe attitudes in general towards complimentary therapies.
Assessthe psychological effects of the two complimentary therapies: mental health, e.g. stress, depression; those with learning difficulties, e.g. autism
Briefly explainwhat contraindications are and compare the contra-indications between orthodox and complimentary therapies and give examples of when they might exist e.g. pregnancy
Congratulations! The Lifeline complementary therapy centre is growing in reputation and gaining a strong customer base and now asked you to write an information booklet to help others understand the role of complementary therapies in maintaining health and wellbeing.
The management at the Lifeline complementary therapy centre has a reputation to retain and have identified some staff training needs. As part of the training they have organized a training day. In one of the activities you have to join a group discussion for the managers and senior staff members at the center. In this prepare a power point presentation to discuss the effectiveness of regulatory systems.
Before participating in the group discussion, you will need to do some research and prepare your slides that you will use to express your ideas and opinions about how complementary therapies are regulated.
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