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Dec 14, 2021


To develop learners skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis by undertaking a sustained research investigation of direct relevance to their Higher Education programme and professional development.


This Unit 8 Research Project Report Assignment is designed to enable learners to become confident using research techniques and methods. It addresses the elements that make up formal research including the proposal, a variety of research methodologies, action planning, carrying out the research itself and presenting the findings.

To complete the unit satisfactorily, learners must also understand the theory that underpins formal research. The actual research depends on the learner, the context of their area of learning, their focus of interest and the anticipated outcomes. The unit draws together a range of other areas from within the programme to form a holistic piece of work that will make a positive contribution to the learners area of interest. Learners should seek approval from their tutors before starting their research project.

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

LO1 Understand how to formulate a research specification
LO2 Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification
LO3 Be able to evaluate the research outcomes
LO4 Be able to present the research outcomes.

The aim of this assignment is to assess the learners knowledge of the all aspects of the unit

For this assignment, you are required to undertake substantial research on a topic of your choice and produce a research report. You will be assisted by your supervisor in defining your research topic.

Before embarking on your research, you should complete a research proposaland discuss it with your supervisor who will assess whether or not the relevant resources are available to accommodate a research on your topic. Consider the following 3 notes.

Note 1:

You should address the following in your research proposal

Formulate and record of possible research project outline specifications (1.1)


Identify factors that contribute to the process of research project selection and factors that motivated your choice of topic for research (1.2)


Provide an initial review of the literature on your topic of choice (1.3)


Produce a research project specification (Research question(s)) (1.4)


Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification (e.g. a Gantt Chart) (1.5)


Note 2:

In conducting your research, you should demonstrate that you have matched resources efficiently to your research question(s) or hypotheses (2.1)and that the research is carried out in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures (2.2).You should also keep record of relevant data you have collected for your research (2.3)

Note 3:

The research reportshould cover the following

Your research project outline specifications and the factors that influenced your choice for the proposed topic (1.1, 1.2)

A critical review of key references (1.3)

A development of research question(s) and/or hypotheses 1.4)

A set of procedures for the agreed research specification (Methodology) (1.5); a description of variables/ data to be use (2.3)and a description of methods you will use to analyse the data collected (3.1)

An analysis of the data and an interpretation of results in terms of the original research specification(3.2)

Recommendations and justifications of areas for further consideration (3.3)

And finally, use of an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience (4.1)

Background Information for Learning Outcome 1

The aim of this Edexcel Unit 29 Health Promotion Assignment is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding of pertinent issues and factors, which prevent some individuals from accessing health support. You will investigate a range of influences on health and reasons for the varied success of health promotion campaigns and strategies. Moreover, this assignment also requires you to develop your understanding to the role of national and regional strategies and professionals. You will need to develop your understanding around the theories of Health Behaviour, models used in Health Promotion, and government strategies to improve the health of individuals in society. You will have to develop your knowledge and understanding around potential conflicts between local industry, and health promotion campaigns are for example, anti-smoking campaigns and parents employed within the tobacco industry. Your competency level will be assessed on planning a Health Promotion Campaign for a target audience of yours.

On completion of this unit and assignment, you will have a clear understanding of:

  1. Understand the socio-economic influences on health (Learning outcome 1)
  2. Understand models of health promotion (Learning outcome 2)
  3. Understand factors which influence health promotion(Learning outcome 3)
  4. Be able to plan a health promotion campaign (Learning outcome 4)

Task 1- Essay

You need to write an essay of approximately 1000 words covering entire LO1 (1.1, 1.2 & 1.3).The essay needs to be based on baseline information that you have gathered about your local community in order to identify needs, socio-economic factors influencing health, inequalities, and barriers to accessing health as discussed above.


Learning Outcomes

Assessment requirements


To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:

LO 1. Understand the socioeconomic influences on health

1.1 Explain the effects of socioeconomic influences on health.


1.2 Assess the relevance of government sources in reporting on inequalities in health.


1.3 Discuss reasons for barriers to accessing Healthcare

Task 2- Essay

Background Information

Having been recently employed by a G.P practice in the role of a smoking cessation officer. Your task is to reduce the number of patients registered at the practice who smoke. Using knowledge from the lectures and your reading say why this is an important target for the practice and which model (approach) would you use to help smokers quit. Explain what your role would be in this intervention relating to the health model and discuss how you could help the patients to become long term non-smokers (LO2.1, 2.2, 2.3). your essay should not be more than 1,200 words long


Learning Outcomes

Assessment requirements

To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:

LO2 Understand models of health promotion

2.1 Analyse the links between government strategies and models of health promotion

2.2 Explain the role of professionals in meeting government targets for health promotion

2.3 Discuss the role of routines in promoting healthy living

Task 3  Essay

From the following health promotion topics, breastfeeding, tackling Obesity, stopping smoking, increasing regular exercise etc. write an essay covering any subject of your interest. Secondly, produce a health promotion campaign poster, which is appropriate for your target audience, partly covering LO 3.3 and 4.1�(opportunity to meet D2).Your essay should not be more than 1,300 words covering the points in LOs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 and 4.2 relating to your health promotion topic. You must cover the learning outcomes 3 and 4 in this section. (Opportunity to achieve M2, and D3)


LO 3. Understand factors which influence health promotion


3.1 Explain how health beliefs relate to theories of health behaviour.


3.2 Discuss the possible effects of potential conflicts with local industryon health promotion

3.3 Explain the importance of providing relevant health related information to the public

LO 4. Be able to plan a health promotion campaign


4. Plan a health promotion campaign to meet specific objectives

4.2 Explain how the health promotion campaign supports health promotion strategies

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:

LO 1. Understand the socioeconomic influences on health


Explain the effects of socioeconomic influences on health.


Assess the relevance of government sources in reporting on inequalities in health.


Discuss reasons for barriers to accessing Healthcare.

LO2 Understand models of health promotion


Analyse the links between government strategies and models of health promotion.


Explain the role of professionals in meeting government targets for health promotion.


Discuss the role of routines in promoting healthy living.

LO 3. Understand factors which influence health promotion



Explain how health beliefs relate to theories of health behaviour.


Discuss the possible effects of potential conflicts with local industry on health promotion.


Explain the importance of providing relevant health related information to the public.

LO4.Be able to plan a health promotion campaign


Plan a health promotion campaign to meet specific objectives.


Explain how the health promotion campaign supports health promotion strategies


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