+44 7743 307695
May 16, 2023
  • United States Census Bureau
    Healthy People 2030 Objectives
    Healthy People 2030 Tools for Action
    Healthy People 2030 Evidence-Based Resources
    County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
    AHRQ National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports
    The Community ToolBox Databases of Best Practices
    Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    CLIKs: Community-Level Information for Kids
    Advocates for Youth
    Obesity Prevention
    Institute for Healthcare Improvement
    National Center for Health Statistics
    Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System
    The Community Guide

    After reviewing the websites, use the information to answer the following questions:
    What is your county and state? Tarrant County, TX
    What is your county’s health ranking in your state (i.e., 18th out of 67)?
    Pick a specific population within your county and discuss the overall health of that population (i.e., leading causes of morbidity and mortality, health behaviors, risk factors). Specific poulation-City of Fort worth
    What type of targeted health care or health promotion services and programs are needed right now? Utilize information from County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors) or other appropriate websites above to support your answer.
    What type of services do you believe will be needed in 10 years?

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