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Feb 29, 2024

For this assignment, you must view one of the following approved online concerts listed below and write a report based on the instructions below:
Approved Concert:
Writing Format and Instructions (All papers must be submitted in Word format):
Points Possible

1. Section/Paragraph One: Note the virtual concert you chose to view for this assignment. Be sure to include the following:
· Performer’s or ensemble’s name, date, and location
· Performance Medium (such as piano recital, orchestral concert, opera, symphony concert, etc.)

2. Section/Paragraph Two: Make a table with three columns listing all pieces in the order they were played (include any encores as well).
Column 1: Composition Title
Column 2: Composer’s full name followed by birth and death year in parenthesis. The composer is not always the performer. The composer writes the music; the performer is who is executing it.
Column 3: Composition Style (musical era). This should correspond to the dates when the compositions were written and the musical era during which the composer lived.
For this class, the style periods are as follows:
Medieval (450-1450)
Renaissance (1450-1600)
Baroque (1600-1750)
Classical (1750-1820)
Romantic (1820-1900)
Contemporary (1900-present day)
Example of Paragraph Two Column:
Composition Title
Composer (birth year – death year)
Composition Style (Musical Era)
The Erlking
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Symphony No. 40
W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)
Rhapsody in Blue
George Gershwin (1898-1937)
Continue until you have listed all compositions performed in the concert being viewed.

3. Section/Paragraph Three: Write a description of each individual song or instrumental piece performed.
If you view a concert with 20 songs being sung, list all 20 and describe each, including the performer(s).
If you view an orchestral concert with a symphony containing four movements as one of the works, describe each movement of the symphony, etc.
A few descriptive qualities to analyze include:
the melody of the piece–how would you describe it? Is it a memorable tune, repetitive, disjunct and erratic, soaring, lyrical? Be specific.
the rhythm–is it consistent and strict, is it syncopated, etc.?
the character and overall musical style of the piece (is it a vocal/instrumental solo, part of a larger orchestral work, etc.?)
the emotion or mood of the piece
the tempo and dynamic level (is it fast, slow, moderate in tempo; Is it a monumentally loud piece or several dynamic changes from loud to soft? Elaborate!)
length of the piece (is it a solo piece, multi-movement, excerpt from an opera?)
For full credit, writing should be clear and eloquent, with no significant errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Be sure to organize this section with an efficient and appropriate listing of music performed (in other words, do not group 20 song descriptions into one large paragraph).

4. Section/Paragraph Four: Describe the concert environment. Include the following:
A description of the physical layout of the performance hall or venue. Be sure to include the audience seating or standing in relation to the performers.
The clothing of the performers. Describe what people are wearing. If the men and women have slightly different clothing, note that information.
The clothing and behavior of the audience members (if visible in the video). Was this a casual outdoor concert on lawn, a grand amphitheater, etc.? Be descriptive.
5. Section/Paragraph Five: Write a paragraph describing your general reaction to the concert. Be sure to include:
Insight about your own experience going to concerts and whether you enjoyed your selected concert.
Would you have liked to have been a member of the audience instead of being a “virtual” viewer?
Was the concert what you expected?
What was your reaction to the music performed?

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