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Nov 28, 2023

Case Study: Citing is mandatory for all 4 questions. Cite to the Textbook using APA. Cite to outside research (only on #3) using APA, or, if there is not enough information to use the full format of APA, simply put the name or describe the source and include the link (or use a hyperlink). If you cite to the additional assigned material, you may simply say "Article on Canvas in Week Two" or "Video on Canvas in Week Seven" and add the link (or hyperlink that phrase). Citing is mandatory and points will be lost for few or no cites.

Outside research is only assigned, and it is mandatory, for number 3. For this question, points will be lost for few or no cites to outside sources, and for few or no cites to class sources (you need both for this question). Use outside sources that you determine to be reliable. Sources do not have to be peer-reviewed. Even sources such as Wikipedia may be used, as long as there is the appropriate amount of reliance on such a source. Wikipedia, for example, is good for generalizations or as a supporting source to other more credible sources, but is not strong as a sole source for a large or significant assertion.

Questions: Each answer should be several paragraphs in length. There is no maximum length.

1. What do we use to predict recidivism? How does this tool work (what factors are considered)? Does this tool accurately predict women`s future likelihood to commit crime? Thoroughly explain. Do not cite to sources outside of this class.

2. Describe the elements that would make up gender-responsive programming in prison. Describe the conflict between gender-responsive programming advocates and R/N/R advocates. Do not cite to sources outside of this class.

3. Research a prison program for women that actually exists (it can be any program, it does not have to be gender-responsive, but whether or not it is gender-responsive should be included in your description). Critique it -- based on what you are learning in this course, what makes the program good, if anything? Is there any way it could be better, or that it might be harmful? Cite to both outside sources and to sources from class.

4. Summarize the differences between men`s and women`s prisons, and between how males usually behave in prison and how women usually behave in prison. Do not cite to sources outside of this class.

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