+44 7743 307695
Dec 22, 2023


Question I. What is the definition of a sect according to scholars?

Question II. What was the Radical Reformation of sixteenth-century Europe? What should the church be according to the radicals?

Question III. What is the official name of the Mormon Church? What does this church believe about new revelation? What book do they revere along with the Bible?

Question IV. What is the Mormon`s view of God?

Question V. The Mormons wanted to be separate from others, even other Christians, but both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young found themselves involved in the political process in order to preserve their separateness. (See page 164.) What did each of these men do in politics to further their religion?

Question VI. The Mormons tried to establish a kind of theocracy. Explain what the law of consecration and stewardship at first required of their members. What is the current practice of giving?

Question VII. Is Mormonism considered a sect today? What is its membership today? Please explain how they are regarded now.

Question VIII. How did Phineas P. Quimby, a mental healer, help Mary Baker Eddy find her purpose in life? What happened which made her believe in his methods?

Question IX. How did Mary Baker Eddy and her followers feel about continuing divine revelation? What did she write which was to be used alongside the Bible?

Question X. What was the "only one true Science," according to Eddy? How did this promote healing? (See page 167.)

Question XI. What do Christian Science practitioners do to effect healing in their patients?

Question XII. What is the status of Christian Science today, and what challenges has it had?

Question XIII. Who were the Millerites and what did they believe? How did William Miller come up with his date of the second coming? What happened after the Great Disappointment?

Question XIV. Why did the former Millerites take the name of Seventh day Adventists? Who were the leaders of this movement and how did they feel about continuing divine revelation?

Question XV. What issues did Ellen White address through her visions and inspired dreams regarding dietary reform and health? How do dventists feel about involvement with the U.S. Government?

Question XVI. What is the Adventist position on missionary expansion? What is the world membership of this church? How many are in the U.S.? Would you say that this group is still a sect or a mainstream Protestant denomination?

Question XVII. Charles Taze Russell was inspired by a speaker from Seventh Day Adventism. What did Russell learn from this man, and what dates did he set for Jesus` Second Coming?

Question XVIII. Who was the next president and what did he do for the group? What was the slogan he created? What was supposed to happen in 1925?

Question XIX. What did Nathan Knorr, the next president, do for the organization?

Question XX. In the power point presentation on the beliefs of Jehovah`s Witnesses, name and discuss two of their beliefs that you find interesting, or true, or horrible, or hateful, or possible. All ideas are welcome.

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