+44 7743 307695
Nov 10, 2023

Part 1

Critical thinking, clinical judgment and decision making

Discuss the concept(s) of the week. How did you connect experiences in clinical to the concept? (CO #7) intracranial regulation
What things did you anticipate for your patient this week? (CO #2) After getting report each morning, what expectations did you have for your patient?
Did you have any `ah ha` moments this week?
Part 2

Nursing Care & Skills

What areas did you `focus` on in your assessment this week? (CO #5)
What are the top 3 priorities and nursing interventions for your patients this week?
Why did you prioritze this way?
Part 3

Management & Professionalism

Talk about an example of where you managed care this week. What was the outcome? (CO #1)
Give an example of something you saw this week that you questioned. (CO#6)
How did you demonstrate professionalism this week? (CO#6)
Part 4


Give some examples or your growth and progression so far this semester.
What is your plan for success?
What are your goals for the next clinical experience?
Any other thoughts/concerns you want to share with your Clinical Faculty? .

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