+44 7743 307695
Dec 19, 2023

Storm Enterprises ("SE") is a fictional multi-billion-dollar Conglomerate owned and run by businessman Anthony "Eddie" Storm. Today SE has hundreds of employees and estimated sales of $20.3 billion. The company is a technology company that develops and manufactures advanced bio medical technologies. The company manufactures the equipment used by researchers to discover cures to the world`s deadliest diseases.

SE was not always as large as it is today. In fact, due not only to the downturn in the economy, but also owner Eddie Storms personal struggle with cancer Eddie sells SE. As of January 2017, SE is owned by O. Gladmore ("O.G."), a businessman who sees great potential in the company. Under O.G., the company again began to grow.

Staff Payroll 2015
Jan. 1 - March 31, 2017 9 employees
April 1 - July 31, 2017 13 employees
Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2017 15 employees
Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2017 90 employees

As of January 1, 2017, 6 of the original SE employees remained at the company. Sally Tunes was one such employee. She has been with SE for over 10 years and is the administrative assistant to O.G. On February 2, 2017, O.G. held a staff meeting. The purpose of the staff meeting was to encourage the SE employees to put everything they could into the company because O.G. needed each of his employees to "step up" if there was any hope of making SE successful again. In this vein, O.G. announced new management positions that he created and would be conducting interviews for. O.G. indicated that there was "so much talent sitting in this room" that internal hires for these positions
would be made.

Sally applied to one of the management position job postings (Program Coordinator Senior). She was notified on February 13, 2017 that she was not selected to interview for a management position. One of Sally`s male colleagues, Bill Washburn, was hired for the Program Senior Coordinator position on February 16, 2017. Although Sally was disappointed, she too believed that SE could become great again and very much believed in the company`s ability to manufacture medical equipment that saves lives. It was not until a 2017 Christmas party that Sally discovered that no other person had actually applied for the Program Senior Coordinator position. Sally overheard O.G. introducing his wife to Bill at which point O.G. stated "Bill is one of our newest members of the management team. He is trustworthy and kid duty to get in the way for Bill." At that very moment, Sally received a text from her babysitter that said, "I can only watch baby Jess until 10 pm tonight". Sally went to see the human resource department the next morning about what she perceived to be unfair treatment.

1. Which federal discrimination employment laws must Storm Enterprises comply with? Why?

2. How much time does Sally have to file her discrimination charge with the EEOC? When does the time for her to bring her charge to the EEOC start running? What facts support your conclusion?

3. Can you think of a reason Storm Enterprises should make every attempt to comply with all federal employment laws no matter how many employees they currently have?


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