Begin developing the capstone proposal and work on the aspects of the idea, present the first draft in class.
This will vary according to the idea, but technical projects will need to show architecture, requirements design and modeling, prototyping, proposed development methodologies, POCs etc.
Research ideas will develop abstracts, establish and describe a methodology, build references and outlines of the associated research paper, proposed hypothesis or problem statements, and points of data that would attempt to validate or invalidate the hypothesis.
Grading will focus on:
Technical or research challenge (how much CS technical or research knowledge is exemplified in this proposal)
Progress and presentation of work done already using applied CS principles – architecture, design, requirements engineering, prototyping
Planned set of tasks for the capstone
Grammar/writing format
Proper Reference Citation
What should be in your capstone document (note for submission 1 only some of these should be present, but for submission 2, all of them should be present)
Project cover page
Table of contents
Project Plan include tasks
Detailed technical sections including
Requirements engineering – including specification, modeling tools and techniques, story boarding
Architecture and design
UX Design – aesthetic, user research, personas, UX frameworks, UX architecture and design
Implementation Methods – coding standards, best practices, tools for evaluating
If you’re doing a research project however, things are a little different instead your outline might look like the following, the difference here is you may have a number of observations and experiments that you run, those all should be appended to your doc so it’s an ever growing collection of everything you’ve analyzed, observed, or run.
Project cover page
Table of contents
Project Plan include tasks
Research Methodology and Analysis Methods
Research observations and experiments #1
Research observations and experiments #N