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Mar 16, 2024

Write a research paper on the following topic: What are the five steps in applying the theory?Choose a news article addressing a criminal event in Canada that has been written about a criminal event between May 2023 and February 2024. Ensure that the event itself has occurred within the past
year. Find at least one other article on the SAME event IN THE SAME TIMEFRAME. You will write a paper
that examines this specific event. The paper is to be between 1250 to 1500 words.
The event can be local, provincial, or national. The articles must be attached as an appendix to the paper
after the reference page. You must have a minimum of two articles on the same event. You must choose
two theories from two different groups above. In other words, if you choose a theory from Theories A
then your second theory must be from B, C, or D.
Outline for your papers:

Introduction: The Criminal Event
You do not need a standard introduction. Start by introducing the event and outlining the details of the
event. Use the news articles and reference properly. This part is easier if you choose something with anoffender, or something which is a large social problem. Identify what type of crime occurred in your
summary. 2+ references
Theory One
1. Choose a theory from Theories A, B, C, or D – give the basics tenets of the theory and reference the
appropriate sources. It is always best to go to the original work and utilize those as a reference. – You
need at least one reference for this theory outside of the textbook. Original source is best – 2+
2. Show how the theory applies to the event you chose and the crime type, and show how the theory
does not apply. Where is it strong? Where is it weak and what problems does it have?
Theory Two
1. Choose another theory from the list provided but must be from a different theory grouping than your
first choice– give the basics of the theory and reference the appropriate sources. It is always best to go
to the original work and utilize those as a reference. You need at least one reference for this theory
outside of the textbook. – 2+ references
2. Show how the theory applies to the event you chose and the crime type, and show how the theory
does not apply. Where is it strong? Where is it weak and what problems does it have?
Compare Theories in dealing with your event
Of the two theories, which do you think is best to explain the crime/crime type you have chosen and
Please note:
Title Page: The title of your paper should include the crime and the two theory names in it.
References: Minimum of 4 academic references plus 2 news articles.
Appendix: Must have an appendix at the end of the paper which includes the original “articles” that you chose as source.

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