1. Give a detailed description of your project.
2. Provide a summary of your skills that enable you to be the ideal project manager for this project.
3. Who are the project stakeholders? What are their roles? (You must a minimum of five project stakeholders, excluding you and the project sponsor).
4. Will your project be waterfall, agile, or a mix of both? Describe how the project method will impact your project.
5. What software will you use to manage your project?
6. Describe your project change management process? (how will changes be initiated, how will they be documented, who approves a change, etc.?)
7. What is the project timeline?
8. What is the project budget?
9. How will you communicate within your project structure? List out meetings with days/times and purpose, how status reports will be sent out or reviewed, where documentation will be stored, and any other communication plans.
10. Create a project charter. Your charter should include:
a. Start and Finish dates
b. Budget details
c. Key milestones (minimum of 10)
d. PM information
e. Project objectives
f. Main project success criteria
g. Approach
h. In scope items (minimum of three scope items/statements),
i. Out of scope items (minimum of three),
j. Roles and Responsibilities (minimum of five roles)
k. Decision making criteria
l. Conflict resolution
11. Create a requirements traceability matrix with a minimum of five project requirements.
12. Provide a cost estimate and model for your project. Include personal cost associated with the project management of the project and assumptions made in preparing the estimates.
13. Create the project organizational chart
14. Create a risk management plan for your project. Include the following topics and mitigation strategies for each:
a. Methodology
b. Budget and Schedule
c. Roles and Responsibilities
d. Risk Categories
e. Tracking
f. Risk Documentation
15. Create a WBS/project plan for your project from Initiation to Implementation (it would be best to use MS Project to do this activity). Make sure your WBS is following the project methodology you identified in Question 4. Include the following:
a. Task/Subtasks
b. Task Durations
c. Dependencies
d. Gantt Chart
e. Resources for each task