+44 7743 307695
Mar 29, 2023

This is one of two (12 credit point) units that together (total of 24 credit points) provide outstanding students in the Commerce program with the opportunity to develop and complete a supervised research dissertation of 15,000 to 20,000 words, or equivalent, on an approved topic within the domain of business/commerce/management. Admission to the dissertation stream requires an average grade of at least 80% in a minimum of four Commerce units (12 unit program) or a minimum of eight Commerce units (16 unit program), interview by the Program Director, and a formal dissertation proposal agreed to by a nominated supervisor and the Program Director. Final approval is dependent on the nature of the proposed topic and the availability of appropriate supervisory expertise. The dissertation is marked by examiners nominated by the Program Director in consultation with the supervisor and other academics from the relevant discipline/s.

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