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Jan 30, 2024

Assignment Task

A. Complete the following task by working on a local MS SQL Server

1. Create all the main tables using SQL. (Remember to show all your SQL scripts and the finished tables as stated in the instructions).

2. Create all the lookup tables using SQL.

3. Populate data on all the relevant tables (Car, Inspector, Driver, Rental, Return).

4. Populate data on all the relevant tables (Car, Inspector, Driver, Rental, Return).

5. Write a query that will return all the rentals placed between the following dates . 6. Write a query that selects all the rentals placed by Bud Barnes.

7. Write a query that displays all the returns for the car make Toyota. 

8. Write a query that counts the number of rentals that were placed for the car make Hyundai.

9. Write a query to update the Model of the car with the CarNo FOR001 from Fiesta to “Focus. 10. Write a query that will display the CarNo, Driver Name, Rental Fee, Start Date, End Date and Availability of all available rentals.

11. Write a query that will show a list of the available car makes in the database use the DISTINCT command. 12. Write a query that will determine the cars which will need service soon. If a car’s kilometres travelled is 9000 kilometres away from the service kilometres that would indicate that the car would need to get a service soon.

B. Migrate the database that you have created above to Windows Azure Online Platform.

For this section you need to submit the following evidence:

  • A BACPAC file exported from SSMS using the Export Data-Tier Application wizard.
  • Take a screenshot of the connection to your MS Azure SQL Server (shown in your local SSMS) with at least one table result called back as a query.
  • Take a second screenshot from the Azure Query Editor to demonstrate that data shows up in the query editor on Microsoft Azure (do this for the same table used for the first screenshot).
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