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Mar 13, 2024

Assignment Task

Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) Nursing Care Plan

During Intensive 1, Practical A+B, you will assess and implement care for two patients (Helen) experiencing different types of neurological injury. You will be randomly allocated one of these patients and you will need to complete a CRC Nursing Care Plan using the template below.

Click on the Groups tab to find out which scenario you have randomly been assigned. Scenario HELEN see at the bottom of the page.

The care plan is based on the information that is provided on MyLO only not on the additional cues that you obtain in the Practical session.

You will need to consider the patient situation, identify normal and abnormal cues and identify at least two highest priority nursing problem. For the nursing problem you consider the highest priority you will need to:

  • Establish at least 3 goals using the SMART acronym.
  • Devise at least 6 holistic nursing actions in order of priority and specify if it is a dependent or independent nursing action. You must consider the medical, pharmacological, social and educational requirements of the patient.
  • Provide a rationale which associates pathophysiological and psychosocial principles with each selected nursing action (this section needs to be supported by contemporary literature).
  • Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the care provided (i.e. how will you know that your actions were beneficial to the patient?) (this section needs to be supported by contemporary literature and/or clinical guidelines).

Assessment Criteria

  1. Apply evidence-informed care in order to promote positive health outcomes
  2. Develop competence in a clinical skill through evaluation of skill attainment, with reference to the NMBA’s Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016)
  3. Explain the pharmacological management relating to a condition
  4. Use clinical reasoning in stimulated scenarios
  5. Write in a structured, succinct and well-informed manner, substantiating work with scholarly sources and accurate referencing

Case Study - Mrs Helen Berry

Helen is a 74 years old. She was brought in to ED by her neighbour. Helen awoke this morning at 0600 hours with a 5/10 headache. At 0700 she called their neighbour and asked her to take her to hospital as she began to feel weak and her headache increased to 7/10.  Upon arrival to ED  one side of her face began to “feel strange”.

Helen has a past medical history of Atrial fibrillation (AF), hypertension (HT) and dyslipidaemia which she manages with Apixaban 2.5mg BD, Sotolol 80mg daily, Amlodipine 5mg daily, Irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide 300/25mg daily, Rosuvastatin 10mg daily.

Helen used to smoke 20 cigarettes/day but states she quit 5 years ago.

When she was brought in to ED, she told staff that she did not take her medications this morning as she was too distracted by her increasing headache.

You are assigned to care for Helen. As you are about to enter her room, you overhear Helen crying to her neighbour, explaining that she is worried as her mother had died of an ischemic stroke and had similar symptoms leading up to the event.

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