Do you think most church attendees have a proper understanding of worship? What indications do you see of their understanding or lack of understanding?
I think some church members have a proper understanding of worship but most do not. I think most churches and church members understand that God worship is important and that it is good to make a joyful noise to the Lord. I think where the church lacks is that people are too consumed with what the music is. Also I think some people forget that it is supposed to be about God and not them. Worship cannot be led well or done properly when we do not bring our hearts before Him and make Him the center of it.
How would you explain what it means to worship in “spirit and in truth” (John 4:24) to someone?
I would explain that worshiping in spirit and truth means to worship God for who He really is. It also means that we are honest before God and give Him our full selves. God wants every part of us, not just some of us. Further worship is more than just being up on a stage but coming before God privately and having your own quiet time with Him. Worship is to prepare our hearts to hear from Him. Worship is a time to express our love to God.
If it were you at the well talking with Jesus about worship, what types of questions would you have for Him?
Some of the questions I would ask Jesus are;
Do you really care what kind of worship music we have, why do people place such emphasis on it?
How do we worship in our daily lives outside of music, I have heard worship is more than a few songs on Sunday?
How does one prepare themselves to worship well, what is a good heart posture for worship?
Paul Snow
As it relates to worship, from scripture, from my perspective the clearest definition can be found in Romans 12:1. This verse in the NIV states, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”1 Apostle Paul in this verse is telling us that true worship is the lifestyle of one who has offered their body to God, as a living sacrifice. He takes things a step further to say, “this is your true and proper worship.” I believe as a whole, we have altered worship into an “activity”, rather than the “lifestyle” it was intended to be. We set time aside to worship as if God is not desiring to be honored in every aspect and every moment of our lives. John 4:24 says, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”2 The Bible speaks a lot about the believer walking and being led by His Spirit. From this, we understand that when we allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, this yielding is an act of worshipping God. Often we think of worship as singing songs and while that may be true, scripturally, Jesus did not sing any. He was submitted to our Father’s will for His life and He walked in that daily. It was His priority. I believe we can honor God by singing to Him, in fact we should because that is the reason music was created. I believe the confusion comes in when we believe that we can truly worship God by singing momentarily, and walk away un-submitted to His will as if we weren’t bought with a price. There is something Jesus said I believe we all should model; John 6:38 states, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.”3 This verse correlates with Paul’s definition of true worship in Romans 12:1. This is how we must honor God, the same way Jesus did through a lifestyle of worship.
1. Zondervan NIV Study Bible (K. L. Barker, Ed.; Full rev. ed.). (2002). Zondervan. Romans 12:1
2. Zondervan NIV Study Bible (K. L. Barker, Ed.; Full rev. ed.). (2002). Zondervan. John 4:24
3. Zondervan NIV Study Bible (K. L. Barker, Ed.; Full rev. ed.). (2002). Zondervan. John 6:38